Hi All,
We are rolling out CRM and have come across a small, but critical leak of Info when creating Opportunities and sharing info between different Business Units.
I hope the below makes sense... and thank you for any help!
I think this has to do with security roles ... I think...
We have two Business Units (BUs). Call one Corp, and the other Trader
Both of these BUs need to be kept completely separate. They operate in their own worlds with their own clients, details, info etc. Users in one team must never see what is going on CRM-wise in the other team for Chinese Walls/compliance/regulator reasons etc.
So far this is working perfectly - except when you start sharing some into or linking users into something the other BU has made.
Corp make a CRM OOTB Opportunity. Initially, only the Corp Team users can see this Opportunity and all details about it [good].
There are instances though where a Corp user intentionally make a Connection and adds a Trader User to the 'Sales Team' of the Opportunity. All OOTB functionality. This, intentionally so, lets that Trader User, and only that Trader User, see the Corp Opportunity in addition to the Corp Team. So far all good and as expected/desired.
Now though, as a flow effect, adding that Trader user to the 'Sales Team' of this Corp owner/made Opportunity allows this specific Trader User to now be able to add a 'Stakeholder' connection (This potential Stakeholder connection they can make is to any Client created/owned by their BU)
We want to stop this as:
a) we want only the Corp team to ever be able to control/add/edit the Stakeholders of the Opportunity they have made/own
b) a flow on problem is that when a connection is made to this Trader client any user in the Trader BU (whether part of the Sales Team of the orig Corp opportunity or not) can now go to that Client Record -> Connections view see a link to that Corp Opportunity Connection in there. Whilst they cannot click on the Opportunity to go to it to see details, as access is denied, the fact they can see the Opportunity link/name in the first place is already too much info! If a Trader user is not explicitly added to the Sale Team of the opportunity that is Owner by Corp, they must NOT know the existence of the Corp Opportunities.
The thing I think we need to work out is:
How do we allow a Corp User to add a Trader User to a Corporate Opportunity sales team, but BLOCK/STOP that Trader User being able to add a client from their Insto BU as a Stakeholder connection (and therefore never allow any chance of leaking info re the Corporate Opportunity to other users in their BU via Connections?
Currently the only way I know to do this is to disable the security role that allows all Trader Users from creating any connection relationships.
This is great for this specific instance re Corp-made opportunities, but bad overall because then Trader users lose the ability to make just OOTB general connections for their own BU like lawyers and accountants etc. and miss out on the powerful OOTB CRM feature re this.
Hope that makes sense…
Corp need to be able to bring other users outside their BU into an Opportunity, so these special external users can see info, add activities etc. to the Opportunity, but these special external users must not be able to compromise the Corp Opportunity by sharing the existence of the opportunity with other users in their BU.
Thank you for your time and help