I have recently upgraded all my CRM servers, two frontends and two backends in addition to a reporting server, to CRM 2016 SP1 via an in-place upgrade.
The next step according to the guides, is to use Deployment Manager to upgrade the organization. I select the organization in the list, right-clik and Select Upgrade Organization.
I need to mention that the SQL server is an always-on cluster and the database is in an availability group.
First error I got when trying to upgrade the organization, or rather a warning on the prechecks was that it could not verify that the SQL Server Agent was running. No matter what I did, I could not get past that warning, so I decided to proceed anyways.
Next error that hit me was that the database was detected to be in an availability Group. Removed it from that and proceeded with retry.
And now comes the issue that I haven't found a solution to yet. It now fails saying:
System.Exception: Error.ActionFailed Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.ProvisionOrganizationLanguagesAction ---> Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: The specified object was not found.
The Complete entry:
Info| Executing Install action: Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.ProvisionOrganizationLanguagesAction
Info| Reprovisioning language 1044
Error| System.Exception: Error.ActionFailed Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.ProvisionOrganizationLanguagesAction ---> Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: The specified object was not found.
at Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.LabelLoaderNotPublished.LoadMetadata(Int32 objectTypeCode, ExecutionContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.LabelLoaderNotPublished.LoadAttributeLabel(Int32 entityType, String attributeName, ExecutionContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.FormLabelHelper.ProcessCells(Int32 entityType, ILabelLoader labelLoader, ILocalizedLabelService labelService, Dictionary`2 cellLabelDictionary, ExecutionContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.FormLabelHelper.ExtractAndSaveFormLabels(XmlDocument formDoc, Boolean isCreate, String oldFormXml, Boolean extractUnchangedLabels, Nullable`1 objectTypeCode, ExecutionContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.FormLabelHelper.ExtractAndSaveFormLabels(Guid formId, XmlDocument formDoc, Boolean isCreate, Int32 objectTypeCode, ExecutionContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.LangProvisioning.LanguageActivation.ProcessFormXml(XmlDocument dom, Int32 language, MetadataHelper metadataHelper, Boolean reprovision)
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.LangProvisioning.LanguageActivation.ProcessPatchLabels(Int32 language, String metadataDiffRelPath, String newImportRelPath, String dbUpdateReleaseDirectory, MetadataHelper metadataHelper)
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.LangProvisioning.LanguageActivation.ProcessPatchLabels(Int32 language, MetadataHelper metadataHelper)
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.LangProvisioning.LanguageActivation.Provision(Boolean reprovision, String basePath, Int32 language, String versionInMuiPack, String versionInDB, String crmVersion, XmlDocument newImportDom, XmlDocument newMasterImportDom, OrganizationLanguagePackService langService, PropertyBag propertyBag)
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.LangProvisioning.LanguageActivation.ProvisionLanguage(Int32 language)
at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.ProvisionOrganizationLanguagesAction.Do(IDictionary parameters)
at Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Shared.CrmAction.ExecuteAction(CrmAction action, IDictionary parameters, Boolean undo)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---, Error, RetryCancel, Option1
Has anyone experienced anything like this?