I am fairly new to Dynamic CRM and FetchXML syntaxes, I need help with passing this fetch xml query
<fetch mapping='logical' distinct='true'><entity name='account'><attribute name='name' /><attribute name='address1_latitude' /><attribute name='address1_longitude' /><filter><condition attribute='SQRT(POWER(((CONVERT(numeric(30,10), address1_latitude) - 45.358174) * 110.7),2) + POWER(((CONVERT(numeric(30,10), address1_longitude) - (-75.796405)) * 75.6),2))' operator='lt' value='10' /></filter></entity></fetch>
So, the part of this query that fails is the condition as the entry in there right now is obviously not an attribute so this won’t work but do you know of a workaround for this?