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Outlook appointments


We are using the CRM connector to track appointments with leads, contacts and accounts and they work the way they should. The Attendee, subject, location, time and description all pull through but I need to change the fields the data is being pulled from.

I have set up several new fields, which need to be pulled into outlook instead of the fields above. These new fields limit the user to drop downs as they should only be putting in particular values.

I have set up a workflow that copies the new subject value into the old subject, which will populate the appointment in outlook but it is the other fields I need. 'Location', 'required attendees' and 'regarding' don't allow me to copy the values from the new fields.

Any ideas?


Run and email a report daily


I have a view and pivot excel report based on that view that I want to run and email to people daily.  Is there anyway to do this with Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update 1?  I took on this project thinking it would take me 30 minutes but it has been dragging on for days.  It is a simple pivot chart of names and dates, how many leads created by name per day....  Very simple to create in excel or google sheets.

I have gone so far as using powerbi online, I created a decent pivot chart using powerbi desktop, uploaded it to powerbi online to possibly publish the data and there is an odd date UTC issue on the online version where anything created/timestamped after 6pm CST is getting counted toward the following day due to timezones.... uggghhhh.

Any help on getting this done automatically would be great.  I would even pay for a solution to email the report as long as the data was updated before it was sent.

Invoice Tax Field


Does anyone know how I can edit the 'Total Tax' field on the Quote/Order and Invoice forms?

I know it is only on a 'Read' only access under the security > field permissions. 



CRM 365 gets .srcmap files but result os 404


Dear All,

my CRM 365 on-premise installation, after Dec 2016 update, requests .srcmap files.

In particular:

  • _static/visualization/.srcmap
  • _static/_grid/.srcmap
  • _static/_common/scripts/.srcmap

But the server returns 404

Any advice?

After installing Dec 2016 update I cannot see Stages Bar on Lead and Opportunity



after the installation of Dec 2016 update I cannot see Stages Bar on Lead and Opportunity.

I'm a System Administrator user.

I can activate Processes, I see them in the Processes list, I can edit them.

If I create a new Opportunity or Lead, I see Stages Bar, but if I close it and reopen, Stages Bar disappears.

Also, if I open an existing Opportunityor Lead (that has the BPF active), I don't see the Stages Bar.


Very unusual!

Any advice? Is there a log that I can read?

Stopping Workflows Using Date Field


I'm wondering if anyone can help, it may be simple, so apologies in advance if really simple.


On Account record, I have created the following fields;

Team A Complete (Yes/No option)

Team B Complete (Yes/No option)

Team C Complete (Yes/No option)

Last Verification Date (Date field)

Next Verification Date (Date field)

When "Next Verification Date" is initially populated for example 31/8/2017, it kickoffs a Workflow that timeouts until 1 month prior (31/7/2017) and will send an email to the team to chase up (ie if Team A Check = No, email goes to Team A & B to chase up. If Team A & B = Yes, email goes to Team C to chase up).

Once all teams are ticked, system resets Team A, B, C values and updates "Last Verification Date" with the execute date and "Next Verification Date" increases by 2 years.

Hope that makes sense?

The problem I'm having is stopping the original workflow if a) Verification Date is amended manually b) Verification process is completed.

How do you stop the workflow that is on timer?

Here is an example of workflow. Fires on change to "Next Verification Date".

Opening of SSRS report of a specific record


I have created a SSRS report and added a query to it. But unfortunately the record detail has been hard-coded. This is not my actual requirement. My requirement is that on click of a specific record in the online version of CRM, I want the report of that record to be displayed. Is there any way in which I can get the desired result?

Excel macro on CRM report output


I have exported a CRM report to Excel and written a macro in Excel to do some calculations etc. based on field values.  When I run the macro, all the columns from the report output shift to the right beyond the columns I've added in my macro, so the calculations I've included in the macro result in 0.

I have not yet learned SSRS report writing so I was hoping a macro in excel would be a stop-gap for this.  Can excel macros be used on CRM report output?

Thanks in advance!

First Plugin Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object


This is the error from the plugin:

Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Detail:
<OrganizationServiceFault xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/xrm/2011/Contracts">
  <ErrorDetails xmlns:d2p1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System.Collections.Generic">
      <d2p1:value xmlns:d4p1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" i:type="d4p1:string">0</d2p1:value>
      <d2p1:value xmlns:d4p1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" i:type="d4p1:string">-2146233088</d2p1:value>
  <Message>Object reference not set to an instance of an object.</Message>
  <InnerFault i:nil="true" />

[RentSummary: RentSummary.PluginEntryPoint]
[fb2e8242-0ff9-e611-8130-005056bd54af: RentSummary.PluginEntryPoint: Update of RD]
Entered RentSummary.PluginEntryPoint.Execute(), Correlation Id: 09aa14e7-8608-4fbc-b77a-39ae7e7a31bb, Initiating User: 66d31042-d5e3-e611-80de-005056bd45eb
Exiting RentSummary.PluginEntryPoint.Execute(), Correlation Id: 09aa14e7-8608-4fbc-b77a-39ae7e7a31bb, Initiating User: 66d31042-d5e3-e611-80de-005056bd45eb


here is the code:

using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;



/// <summary>
/// PluginEntryPoint plug-in.
/// This is a generic entry point for a plug-in class. Use the Plug-in Registration tool found in the CRM SDK to register this class, import the assembly into CRM, and then create step associations.
/// A given plug-in can have any number of steps associated with it.
/// </summary>   

public class PluginEntryPoint : PluginBase

/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PluginEntryPoint"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unsecure">Contains public (unsecured) configuration information.</param>
/// <param name="secure">Contains non-public (secured) configuration information.
/// When using Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with Offline Access,
/// the secure string is not passed to a plug-in that executes while the client is offline.</param>

public PluginEntryPoint(string unsecure, string secure): base(typeof(PluginEntryPoint))

        {// TODO: Implement your custom configuration handling.
/// <summary>
/// Main entry point for he business logic that the plug-in is to execute.
/// </summary>

/// <param name="localContext">The <see cref="LocalPluginContext"/> which contains the

/// <see cref="IPluginExecutionContext"/>,

/// <see cref="IOrganizationService"/>

/// and <see cref="ITracingService"/>

/// </param>

/// <remarks>

/// For improved performance, Microsoft Dynamics CRM caches plug-in instances.

/// The plug-in's Execute method should be written to be stateless as the constructor

/// is not called for every invocation of the plug-in. Also, multiple system threads

/// could execute the plug-in at the same time. All per invocation state information

/// is stored in the context. This means that you should not use global variables in plug-ins.

/// </remarks>

protected override void ExecuteCrmPlugin(LocalPluginContext localContext)



if (localContext == null)



throw new ArgumentNullException("localContext");




IPluginExecutionContext context = localContext.PluginExecutionContext;


IOrganizationService service = localContext.OrganizationService;


ITracingService tracingService = localContext.TracingService;


IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)localContext.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));


if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") &&


"Target"] is Entity)



// Obtain the target entity from the input parameters.

Entity entity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];



//if (entity.LogicalName == "RD")


// An mvh_name attribute should not already exist because

// it is system generated.

Random rndgen = new Random();


"RD_name", rndgen.Next().ToString());







How do I parse OData response?


Hi all

I have this data response:

"d" : {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"uri": "http://win-bd86268lvbk/CRMDEVELOPMENT/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/BusinessUnitSet(guid'69e04798-1576-e611-80e4-308d99276d29')", "type": "Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Data.Services.BusinessUnit"
}, "Address1_StateOrProvince": "Sindh", "Address1_Line1": "Gulshan e Iqbal", "Address1_City": "Karachi", "BusinessUnitId": "69e04798-15768d99276d29", "Address1_PostalCode": "75300", "Address1_Country": "Pakistan"

How do parse it using JavaScript.?

 I tried these options but fail to get values:

var retrieved = JSON.parse(req.responseText).d,
retrievedRecord = retrieved.results.Address1_Line1,
City = retrieved.results[0].Address1_City,
Country = retrieved.results[1].Address1_Country;

Only the highlighted one is working which gives me the above response.

Thank You

Is it possible to have a workflow look back on itself?


I would like to have a workflow run only one time per record. Is it possible to have a workflow check whether it has already run on that record then stop if it has?

Thanks for the help

Account distribution report based on order instead of opportunity


So what I'm trying to do is basically create an "account distribution" report but instead of using data from opportunities I want to use data sets from orders. Any idea how to do that?

Basically what I'm trying to do is create a list of accounts with their total amount of sales based of orders they made. I tried creating a custom report but I can't seem to list the total; only individual orders.

MSFT Quality Rollup breaking "Public Documents" for all accounts in CRM


Complete Dynamics CRM newbie here. We've run into an issue where none of our computers can access "Public Documents" for any of our accounts in CRM after the most recent monthly Quality Rollup updates is installed. We've taken the ham-fisted approach of uninstalling the January, December & November rollups for the users affected to get them up & running temporarily.

If i had to guess, I'd assume that MS16-142 or MS16-144 (IE updates) are the elements of the rollup causing the issue, but it's hard to tell. Is is possible to hide certain elements of a rollup or can that only be done on the entire KB?

Symptom if the update is installed = persistent loading screen

With the debugger open we see the following error - 

SCRIPT70: Permission denied

File: DocumentLocationHelper.js, Line: 1, Column: 13124

I've attached screenshots of what we're seeing, apologies if this is vague. Appreciate any responses.

SLA - Multiple E-mail Error


Hi I have created an SLA and all is working fine except when the Fail and warning events happen they run twice?

Here is how the SLA is configured

And here are the events that happen when the e-mail are sent.

As you can see this is sent twice.

It also create two of workflows for each SLA type. but i don't know why it would be doing this as there is only one SLA attached to the entitlement .

Any help will be great


Unable to Retrieve Records or Fetch records Based on Modifiedon Value



 i have to fetch records from custom entity like "Test" based on "modifiedon" date field from Contact entity

there is no relationship between two entities , i get modifiedon from "contact" entity and pass this value to "Test" entity , in test entity i have a custom field called "FromDate" , i couldn't retrieve data from test entity by passing modifiedon value to fromdate

Why a list price on a product


On a product record you have standard price, current price and list price. Does anyone know why we have three options for a price here.

Also, if I associate it with a default price list then a price list item is created for this product. On the price list item I can state what the price of this product is when using this price list. Why then is there also a field called list price on the product? 

In theory I could create product X and state that its default price list is price list Y. On the product entity I could state the list price to be £10. But on the price list item for the same product and the same price list put a price of £20. 

Scalability of the Dynamics 365 CRM Portal


I am working with a customer and we would like to make use of the capabilities within the Dynamics 365 Portal, but have a few questions regarding its scalability. This customer has a requirement for short-term peak workloads on a yearly basis where 100,000’s of people will need to re-register with the service. Whilst I understand that the portal is Azure PaaS based, I understand that there is no access to the instance size/scalability settings that you would usually get within an Azure WebApp PaaS instance. 

Can someone please explain how/if the Dynamics 365 portal can scale for large workloads, and if it would be suitable for this type of role?  

Knowledge Base Search Not Working


I am trying to use the dynamics CRM knowledge base. I am positive I have my sandbox configured to use dynamics CRM and not parature. I've published 3 different test articles. When I try to use the embedded knowledge search on the case form, it does not find any results when I search. I've tried every way I can think of to troubleshoot this and I have no idea the articles cannot be found. If I use the out-of-box knowledge base article lookup field on the case form, it successfully finds my articles. But I want to use the embedded knowledge search in order to link KB articles to cases, etc. Does anyone have any insight onto why this will not work? Thanks for any help?

Setting up a Queue in CRM Cloud using a mailbox which is on premise



   I am trying to setup a queue in CRM using our test email boxes. Test and Enable mailbox shows success. But none of the emails are coming in. We are using CRM On Cloud. But our test email boxes are not moved to cloud yet. Is that the reason ? if so , is there a solution ? 

SDK Simplified connection string in app.config: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."



I'm trying the examples in the SDK, and now I'm at the Simplified Connecting String Example listed here [https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj602970(v=crm.7).aspx]

This is my code in the app.config:


<add name="Server=CRM Online, organization=contoso, user=someone"

However, I'm receiving the following error:

I'm using VS 2015 and I'm trying to connect to CRM Online 2016.

What I'm missing in my connection string?

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