I'm trying to use the API to create a link between a product and a custom entity called artist.
When I try I get this error back
The Content-Type header value "text/plain" is not valid for a SOAP response.
The response was:
Server was unable to read request. ---> There is an error in XML document (14, 9). ---> Invalid format of input XML for request AssociateEntities: required field 'Moniker1' is missing. ---> Invalid format of input XML for request AssociateEntities: required field 'Moniker1' is missing.
Is there something wrong with my XML?
-<Execute xmlns="schemas.microsoft.com/.../WebServices">
-<Request xmlns:xsi="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="AssociateEntitiesRequest">
<ns2:Id xmlns:ns2="schemas.microsoft.com/.../CoreTypes">8CE2DFC8-9967-407F-A6A0-3BEC2F0F0A8B</ns2:Id>
<ns2:Name xmlns:ns2="schemas.microsoft.com/.../CoreTypes">tripler_artist</ns2:Name>
<ns2:Id xmlns:ns2="schemas.microsoft.com/.../CoreTypes">AC2009FB-F989-E111-BBED-000C29604B72</ns2:Id>
<ns2:Name xmlns:ns2="schemas.microsoft.com/.../CoreTypes">product</ns2:Name>