I am working on CREATE operation for PRODUCT object.
Would like to know how to provide defaultuomscheduleid and defaultuomid using association with product? referring https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg328090.aspx#bkmk_associateOnCreate
I know the way to pass these values using by odata.bind (Associating Entities on Create) but would know how to create these related entities in one operation?
Below is the snippet for Associating defaultuomscheduleid and defaultuomid with create product operation:
{ "name": "new product", "productnumber": "12345", "defaultuomscheduleid@odata.bind": "/uomschedules(54692a01-4c22-45eb-a224-a157b9a6a0b3)", "defaultuomid@odata.bind": "/uoms(d41f6ab2-6087-477b-a7f1-c4d1df10a57e)", "quantitydecimal": 0 }
How can I create these related entities in one CREATE PRODUCT operation?