I have a problem that I can't figure out how to solve. I'm grateful for all tips and advice I can get.
To give you some background I have created a workflow in CRM that connects a product to the corresponding folder in SharePoint. So let's say I add product 1234, it will automatically create the path https://[companyname].sharepoint.com/product/1234. This works perfectly when I already have created a folder in sharepoint named 1234 to map it to. I can then easily add documents from CRM or sharepoint. The instruction I followed to do this is: http://crmbook.powerobjects.com/system-administration/sharepoint-document-management/beyond-basic-integration/bulk-creating-sharepoint-folders-and-automatic-integration-with-dynamics-crm/
The problem occurs when I'm adding new products that don't have a folder in sharepoint. I would therefor want to create a workflow where it first creates a folder with the product name, and then continue with the existing workflow which maps it to this folder.
Let's say I'm creating product 5678, then I want the workflow to create a sub-folder in the folder Product with that name, and then map to it automatically through the path https://[companyname].sharepoint.com/product/5678
Grateful for all tips and advice!!
Thank you