Hi Guys,.
Hoping someone can help me on this. Currently running MS CRM 2016 and want to use its ability to send/receive emails, especially to make use of the Marketing mailing list features and CRM for Outlook. We have a TEST and Production version in the MS cloud and up until last week I was able to send/receive emails in both environments and receive confirmatiom into my OUTLOOK Mailbox. In other words the TEST/Enable worked successfully. Also used CRM for OUTLOOK to track emails sent from my OUTLOOK account into CRM.
For some reason ?, this functionality has stopped working. This all previously worked with no issues and there has been NOTHING changed by me! Albeit, this has happened before!!
In addition, when I try to run the TEST/ENABLE within our LIVE environment, it displays a warning saying that
" I can't run TEST/ENABLE at the moment - as it is currently running. Trouble is, its been running all morning!!
I've tried Approve Email, TEST/ENABLE, reviewed the settings and double-checked them . All to no avail!! Any ideas? One of the major benefits of using CRM was to allow the storing of emails against the various Contacts. This and its really disappointing when I'm showing colleagues what it can do - and it doesn't work. Have MS applied some recent patches/updates that's caused this problem? Any ideas welcome as I've tried all the obvious options.
Many thanks. Will C