I just posted a question about user/account administration which stemmed from concerns regarding the consulting business my company is using to support our new Microsoft CRM.
In addition to the user admin question, I am concerned about the initial upload to data to our new CRM.
Members of different departments were asked to supply spreadsheets with contact data for upload into the CRM. This business uploaded all of the data without any kind of advice or clarification about duplicates or any other clean data issues. What resulted was an unusable contact directory. We did clean up the data after that, but we were still charged for the initial upload and then the subsequent "clean" upload.
Making sure you import clean data into a system seems very basic. I was surprised and dismayed to learn that this step had been ignored. Of course our people should have known better, but in the absence of a technology-oriented person on staff (yes that is another issue), my company was relying solely on good direction from this consulting business.
Am I being unreasonable to hold this against the consultants? Or is this indeed a no-brainer and they could (and should) have prevented the time and money loss.
My company is contemplating signing a longer-term contract with them but I have concerns.
Thank you!