I have a requirement to run 2 x Self Service Portals for the Same instance. The portals have different branding and some minor differences in process and fields to capture.
When creating the two portals through the installer, instead of creating 2 x Self Service Websites it create one and bound both Portals to the same website.
I tried to use Websitecopy.exe from the CRM 2015 SDK and this completed, copying the site and related entities. However, when bound to the 2nd portal this errors. Microsoft are not supporting the method for Online Portals.
I then looked at using the Configuration Migration Tool and set a new Customer Service Portal up on a separate instance with a view to copy this over. However, when creating the site all the Guids for the records are the site are identical across instances. Therefore when importing to the other instance it will just update the single site orignally installed.
The error thrown by the portal is just a guid and Microsoft support has not given any direction as to why this is being thrown.
Any help or ideas would be much apreciated.