Hi everyone,
I am trying to use values from a custom entity in a global E-Mail template, according to this blog:
My entity name is: new_checkliste2
The displayed name is: Machbarkeitsanalyse
For testing i was trying to get the information from the created on(Erstellt am) field.
Therefore I tried following "combinations"
{!Machbarkeitsanalyse:Erstellt am;Test}
{!Machbarkeitsanalyse : Erstellt am;Test}
{!new_Checkliste2:Erstellt am;Test}
{!new_Checkliste2 : Erstellt am;Test}
{!new_Checkliste2:Created on;Test}
{!new_Checkliste2 : Created on;Test}
None of them worked. they didn't turn into the yellow link thingy after safing.
Anybody got a clue what i am doing wrong?
I'd really appreciate any help i can get.