I have a Problem with the subgrid element in CRM 2016.
I want to select users in a subgrid from a prefiltert lookup. But it doesnt work. i dont get an error or something like this. The looup field just doesnt filter the users in the lookup field. i use the following Java script code. Does anyone have an idear whats wrong with my code?
function filterSubGrid() { var grid = window.parent.document.getElementById("GridName"); var currentleadId = Xrm.Page.data.entity.getId();; if (grid == null) { setTimeout(filterSubGrid, 500); return; } var fetch = "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>" + "<entity name='systemuser'>" + "<attribute name='fullname' />" + "<attribute name='title' />" + "<attribute name='address1_telephone1' />" + "<attribute name='businessunitid' />" + "<attribute name='siteid' />" + "<attribute name='positionid' />" + "<attribute name='systemuserid' />" + "<order attribute='fullname' descending='false' />" + "<filter type='and" > +"<condition attribute='isdisabled' operator='eq' value='0' />" + "<condition attribute='accessmode' operator='ne' value='3' />" + "<condition attribute='accessmode' operator='ne' value='5' />" + "<condition attribute='oldUser' operator='eq' value='1' />" + "</filter>" + "</entity>" + "</fetch>";
if (grid.control != null) { debugger; grid.control.SetParameter("fetchXML", fetch); grid.control.refresh(); } else { setTimeout('filterSubGrid()', 500); } } |