Hi all,
I am creating a report where the Columns are based on the Option set Values.
I am using the field named as "Code" in all the below columns to fetch the related records.
I am using From and To Parameters to get the records based on the selected dates. When the From and To dates are selected to get the records, the count of each Code values should be generated as a result.
After clicking any count result of any field (say Mobile), the number of records which is shown as count result should be fetched.
The schema name for Option set field Code is new_code.
Option Value for Mobile- 1
Option Value for Telecom- 2
Option Value for Others- 3
Option Value for Broadband- 4
Option Value for WiFi- 5
Stage 1 | stage 2 | stage 3 | stage 4 | stage 5 |
Mobile | Telecom | Others | Conditional | Closing |
Count(Mobile) | Count(Telecom) | Count(Others) | Count(Broadband) | Count(WiFi) |
i.e say, If Count(Mobile) result is clicked , the number of records related to the Option set value of Mobile should be shown.
I am able to get the Count of the whole Field but i am unable to get the count value for each option set value in each columns.
I have used this expression in the Count(Mobile) : =Count(Fields!new_Code.Value,"DataSet1")
Need your valid suggestions! Awaiting your responses!