I have a record called Dream Invoice that needs an auto-incremented number.
These records are created in batches and I'm finding that the number is being duplicated 2 or 3 times. I have written the following plugin that is detecting the greatest existing number and increment it by one to place in the relevant field.
int max = 9999; string referenceQuery = @"<fetch distinct='false' mapping='logical' aggregate='true'> <entity name='cloud20_dreaminvoice'> <attribute name='cloud20_proformanumber' alias='refmax' aggregate='max' /> <filter type='and'> <condition attribute='cloud20_proformanumber' operator='not-null' /> </filter> </entity> </fetch>"; tracer.Trace(referenceQuery); EntityCollection mems = service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(referenceQuery)); tracer.Trace("Entities Received"); if (mems.Entities.Count > 0) foreach (var c in mems.Entities) { if (c.Contains("refmax") && ((AliasedValue)c["refmax"]).Value != null) { tracer.Trace("assign value"); max = (int)((AliasedValue)c["refmax"]).Value; } } max = max + 1; tracer.Trace("max: " + max.ToString()); //if (context.MessageName == "Create") { /* Entity inv = new Entity("cloud20_dreaminvoice"); inv.Id = targetEntity.Id; inv["cloud20_proformanumber"] = max; inv["cloud20_proformanumberstring"] = "PF" + max.ToString(); service.Update(inv);*/ targetEntity["cloud20_proformanumber"] = max; targetEntity["cloud20_proformanumberstring"] = "PF" + max.ToString();
This is currently running in synchronous pre stage. I had run it in sync post and async post using the code commented out but get the same result.
This is replicated in both CRM online and on premise 8.1