Hello Guys,
I am trying do a fetchxml where my from-date is 2016-09-06 and to-date is 2016-09-06 there are few records which are created on this date but when i do a fetch XML its displays me wrong Error Date
05-09-2016 06:30:00 PM |
But the record was created today i.e 06-09-2016 i dunno why is displaying 05-09-2016 yesterdays date i am using date time field and behavior is local please help
<fetch mapping="logical" version="1.0" >
<entity name="hd_error" >
<attribute name="hd_errorsource" alias="ErrorSource" />
<attribute name="hd_errmessege" alias="ErrorMessage" />
<attribute name="hd_errorevttyp" alias="ErrorType" />
<attribute name="hd_errorlogdat" alias="ErrorDate" />
<order attribute="hd_errorlogdat" />
<condition attribute="hd_errorlogdat" operator="on-or-after" value="2016-09-06" />
<condition attribute="hd_errorlogdat" operator="on-or-before" value="2016-09-06" />