Our CRM is upto UR18. We just made the upgrade.
The issue appears only when there are alerts when I try to save an Appointment. When there are no alerts, the extra confirmation box doesn't appear and the Appointment is saved correctly.
I am having this issue with Firefox, Chrome and Edge. Since these browsers doesn't support showModalDialog, up to IE 11 works fine.
When I click "Omitir y Guardar" wich translates to "Ignore and save", the window hangs until a stack overflow error appears on the javascript console.
I have debugged this error until I found that a recursive call is made between the event handlers of the save event of the Appointment form.
As I said, this is related to an issue with showModalDialog deprecated function (and the workaround that has come with UR18) on more modern browsers.
I have tried disabling all the custom javascript calls on OnLoad and OnSave events without success.
I hope you can guide me over this issue.