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How to Connect to SQL Database of Online CRM Dyanamics 365?



Our CRM Dynamics systems is on Microsoft Online System.

It is CRM 365.

How do I connect to the SQL Database of the Online CRM?


Emails are not sent by nurture program its not even gives me any error



i created a nurture program by adding marketing list of leads it works fine, but when i pause it and add one more marketing list and resume it back but it won't work i don't know why.

Can you please guide me or help me out from this situation.

Thanks in advance

CRM online/Exchange Online tracking server-side


None of my email tracking is working. Mailbox is tested and enabled. Can send from CRM just fine. But replies that contain a tracking token are not actually tracked.

Can track manually with Outlook App.

I enabled verbose logging, but don't know where to actually see that.

Tokens look fine.

Pretty much a default setup.

Configure Dynamics 365 for integration with Microsoft Azure

How to export Global Search (Categorised and relevance)?


Hi Team,

One of our client requires export of global search result in Excel format.

I searched for it on internet but did not find any suitable option.

I explored PowerObject Global search also but it does not support this feature.

Is there any way to do this using Report, JS or API, etc?

Kindly help me out.

New Ticket Generation within Organisation Email ID


Hi all,

I have created a Queue and defined process to generate a case automatically as soon as mail is received at abc@mydomain.com. The process is running fine and cases are generated and I am also getting mails as per workflow is defined.

Only problem I am facing is the process works fine if email is received from outside my domain. if another user from the same domain i.e. xyz@mydomin.com, case doesn't get generated.

Can someone guide me what could be the issue and do I need to add some condition or if I have added some condition that should have not been.


Deepak Kumar

Dynamic 365 Portal - CRUD Operations from portal



I am looking for options to create single/multiple records from portal on click of a custom button from custom page created using liquid template.

Also, If i want to update a record back in CRM using input provided by end user on a custom page.

I have tried using crm web api call using javascript to create/update records in CRM but it gives some authentication issues.

Also, tried liquid template code to create/update crm records but no luck.

Please share your experiences in-order to cater above requirements in Adxstudio8.x

Thanks in advance!!


Rohit Negi

Filter lookup product



I'm trying to filter a product lookup
On the appointment entity
I have already done a filter on the contact list for the Required and Optional fields
it works very well
But I want to select on a lookup field three products (for example)
Name - Product ID - primary key
P1       -  p-101       - {22aabfea-ebae-e511-80d9-005056a03ab1}
P5       -  p-105       - {22aabfea-ebae-e511-8099-005056a05aa9}
P17     -  p-117       - {22aabfea-ebae-e511-80d9-005056a07a90}

function OnLoad()


function FilterProduct()
lookupFieldObject = Xrm.Page.data.entity.attributes.get('regardingobjectid');
if (lookupFieldObject.getValue() != null) {
    var    bole_Opportunity = lookupFieldObject.getValue()[0].id;
    if( lookupFieldObject.getValue()[0].entityType != 'opportunity') return;
var query = "/bole_opportunityproductSet?$select=bole_ExistingProduct,bole_product_bole_opportunityproduct_ExistingProduct/ProductNumber&$expand=bole_product_bole_opportunityproduct_ExistingProduct&$filter=bole_Opportunity/Id eq guid'"+bole_Opportunity+"'";


function ExecuteQueryFilter(ODataQuery) {

    var serverUrl = Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl();
    if (serverUrl.match(/\/$/)) {
        serverUrl = serverUrl.substring(0, serverUrl.length - 1);
    var ODataURL = serverUrl + "/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc" + ODataQuery;

        type: "GET",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        datatype: "json",
        url: ODataURL,
        beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
            XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        success: function (data, textStatus, XmlHttpRequest) {
            var res = data.d.results;
            if( res.length==0)
          var allfilter = "<filter type='and'><condition attribute='productid' operator='in'>";
          var i;
           res[i].bole_ExistingProduct.Idallfilter += "<value uiname='"+res[i].bole_ExistingProduct.Name+"' uitype='product'>{"+res[i].bole_ExistingProduct.Id+"}</value>";
          }allfilter += "</condition></filter>";

        error: function (XmlHttpRequest, textStatus, errorObject) {
            // Handle result from unsuccessful execution
            alert("OData Execution Error Occurred");

When i debug  allFilter equals

<filter type='and'><condition attribute='productid' operator='in'><value uiname='P1' uitype='product'>{22aabfea-ebae-e511-80d9-005056a03ab1}</value><value uiname='P5' uitype='product'>{22aabfea-ebae-e511-8099-005056a05aa9}</value><value uiname='P17' uitype='product'>{22aabfea-ebae-e511-80d9-005056a07a90}</value></condition></filter>

But the lookup displays all products
I even tried to use the Product ID

<filter type='and'><filter type='or'><condition attribute='productnumber' operator='eq' value='p-101' /><condition attribute='productnumber' operator='eq' value='p-105' /><condition attribute='productnumber' operator='eq' value='p-117' /></filter></filter>

please help me

Working with multiple Dynamics CRM organization's via Web API


Hi All,

Usually while working on Dynamics 365/CRM WebAPI with external applications I register the application in the active directory of particular office365 to get client secret, I've been repeating this process for every organization I work with. 

For example, if an application has to be registered for three organizations, then I have to register that application in the active directory of each organization to get the client secret then I will replicate the application and so the applications can run independently to connect with respective organization using the respective client secret.

I have following queries:

  • I have 'n' number of organizations where the application has to be registered to run them, but it is really time consuming to register each of them manually to get the client secret.
  • Instead of having different instances of same application to connect with various organizations I would like to know whether any solution available generically to connect with various organizations from an application using WebAPI (with/without AD app registration)?

Ideally I'm looking for a replacement of OrganizationService which I used generically by passing the credentials. But in WbAPI we need to register the app which is not a generic way and I would like ti know a generic way of accomplish it.

Default SLA at Business Unit Level


Today I was wondering if there is a way to have a default SLA per Business Unit since I'm working for a customer that has BUs with different Time Zones.

I have BU Managers with Business Level privileges on SLA and SLA KPI Instance Item (custom security role) and so I just tried to log in as BU Manager and to create a SLA record inside each BU. Since each BU Manager can see only 1 SLA record in his "All Service Level Agreements" view, he is also able to set this only one as default.

Indeed as System Administrator I see multiple SLA with Default = True.

But at case creation, always the same SLA will be applied, no matter in which BU the user is.

I guess the system applies the first default SLA he finds.

Has anybody experienced the same behavior before?

Creating AccessTeam programatically : Is this possible?


Hi CRM community,

I am facing some technical chanllegue with respect the access teams feature. I have a requirement, when on certain entity event I need to create an access team team programatically related to it. I've performed in the following manner, but no luck:

            Entity AccessTeam = new Entity("team", new Guid());

            AccessTeam["regardingobjectid"] = new EntityReference("My_Entity_Name", EntityGUID);
            AccessTeam["teamtype"] = new OptionSetValue(1); // Set the team access as Access
            AccessTeam["businessunitid"] = new EntityReference("businessunit",Guid.Parse(IdBusinessUnit_newAccessteam));
            AccessTeam["teamtemplateid"] = new EntityReference("teamtemplate", Guid.Parse(MyEntityTemplate_Accessteam));
            AccessTeam["administratorid"] = returnSYSTEMuser(_service);

I am getting the following exception:

+        e    {"Only system managed teams can associated with team templates or other records. They can only be created by the system."}    System.Exception {System.ServiceModel.FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault>}

Any workarround or tip on how to do this programatically?


Service Queues


Hi all,

I am looking out to setup an environment to enable service & queue management in dynamics 365 online.

Is there any links/how-to guide where we can achieve this?

Also please let me know the different types of setting up queues for service management-- Prerequisites & configuration.


how to set restrictions for the field?


Can anyone help me to find the error.

I need to set the field "areacode" between 0 and 9 while the user to enter only 5 digits 

function areacode (executionObj, CallFrom)
var areacode = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_countryareacode").getValue();
var regularExpression = /[0-9]{0,5}/;

input type="text" onkeypress="return restrictInput(this, event, digitsOnly);"

if(areacode != null)
if(regularExpression.test(areacode) == false)
if(CallFrom == 'On Save')
alert('Form will not be saved.\nPlease enter a valid area code format such as\nxxxx (5 digits)');
alert('Please enter a valid area code format such as\nxxxx(5 digits)');



Error Message when trying to delete Marketing lists on a Campaign


Hey Guys,

I have an issue with marketing lists on a campaign.

I am on the campaign form and have a subgrid of assosociated marketing lists. When I try to delete one or more marketing lists I get an error warning that the action couldn't be finished for the data records.

Then I click on the icon to switch to the associated view. I try to delete one or more marketing lists again and get an error message with the folllowing log file:

Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]: System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for administrators or support: #FFE8DD12Detail:<OrganizationServiceFault xmlns:i="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="schemas.microsoft.com/.../Contracts"><ErrorCode>-2147220970</ErrorCode><ErrorDetails xmlns:d2p1="schemas.datacontract.org/.../System.Collections.Generic" /><Message>System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for administrators or support: #FFE8DD12</Message><Timestamp>2017-03-06T13:55:57.3706511Z</Timestamp><InnerFault><ErrorCode>-2147220970</ErrorCode><ErrorDetails xmlns:d3p1="schemas.datacontract.org/.../System.Collections.Generic" /><Message>System.NullReferenceException: Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for administrators or support: #8E3E2F36</Message><Timestamp>2017-03-06T13:55:57.3706511Z</Timestamp><InnerFault i:nil="true" /><TraceText i:nil="true" /></InnerFault><TraceText i:nil="true" /></OrganizationServiceFault>

Do you have any suggestions what the problem could be?

Have you heard of users which had similar issues?

And of course when you know it: Do you have any solution ideas?

Thanks for helping!

Bringing CRM Online 2016 to On Premise


We are looking at bringing our Online CRM to On Premise and trying to get a grasp of the what is involved in this.  Would anyone be willing to share their experience doing this, or lessons learned, or give advice?
Thank you!

User can edit and delete Opportunities


Hey Guys,

I have an interesting but also confusing issue with the editing of opportunities.

I have an User who is able to edit and delete the opportunities of some other users. These opportunies he can work on have nothing in common, but the fact that my special user is the owner of the account which is associated with the relevant data records.

But there are also opportunities of accounts, where he is the owner of the account but not of the opportunity, which he can't edit or delete.

The data records are definitely not shared with the considered user.

The strange thing is that I tested this on another user in the System and gave him the exactly same roles and wasn't able to reproduce this behaviour. Because with the roles he has in the system, he shouldnt be able do work on other opportunities but his own at all.

I am thankfull for any helpfull suggestions of the community!

With best regards!

Created By, Modified On, Modified By


Hi All,

I am currently in the process of migration a company database using scribe tools. Everything is going well except a few fields that hold history data.

Is it possible to migrate the "Created By", "Modified On" and "Modified By" fields without using the SDK or having to write unsupported SQL?

I searched for a long time without a definitive answer.

Is it really true that there is no out of the box support for this? (Like overrideCreatedOn) There must be a lot of people who want to perserve this data when migrating.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards


Need to create a view for Leads with no Marketing lists


Hello ,

I need to create a view which will fetch all leads which are not associated with any Marketing Lists . 

How can i do that ?

Default View of Associated Records in Mobile App


When using the Mobile App for Dynamics 365 how does one set the default view of Associated records in an entity? For example, if I want to look at the Opportunities associated with an Account, the default view is 'My Open Leads', instead of Associated Opportunities. The user needs to manually switch the view in order to see the Opportunities associated with the Parent Account.

Dynamics CRM 2013 - Command bar is not visible and also cannot open records


Command bar is not rendering in any browser. And also not able to open the records.

We haven't done any customization or changes. 

Environment: MS Dynamics CRM 2013 SP1 UR 3



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