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Unable to Install/Upgrade Field Service Latest Solution


Hi CRM Experts,

My organization upgraded from CRM 8.1 to CRM 8.2 with Field Service already installed it.

After the upgrade, I looked into portal.office.com to see if I have any upgrade available for Field Service solution, then I found one.

After clicking on Upgrade, it goes into the Installing STATUS for 20-30 minutes, but after that it again starts showing the older version and also the STATUS as Upgrade available. (No errors shown...)

I tried this for more than 10 times, but couldn't upgrade to the latest solution.

Any help, would be appreciated.



O365 License Requirements for Integration with Dynamics 365



Can anyone confirm the license requirements for integration Dynamics 365 with SharePoint?

We are currently licensed for Midsize business plan and use Dyn 365 online.  I was wondering if we need to be on an E3 plan to use the SP integration.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

Adding Images with a Hyperlink to email signatures



I know there have already been lots of posts reg. that issue, but has probably anybody managed to create email signatures in MS Dynamics CRM 2016 (SP1) containing an image with a Hyperlink?

I just found the way to upload an image to a Website, right click on it, click on copy and then inserting it to the email signature template.

But this only results in an image added to the signature. It is not possible to define a link behind this image, which would leed the email recipient to a certain Website.

Any proposals how to achieve that?

thx Thomas

Removing field from form with managed solution



I have a managed solution, and I'm trying to remove a field from a form. I don't want to delete the field, I just removed it from the form in my dev environment. When I import the entity in a managed solution, the old field is still on the form in the target environment afterwards. How can this be removed? Or do I have to manually removing it via the customizations in the target environment?


How to filter in Advanced Find with rollup fields?


We've just started using rollup fields and they don't seem to be available for use in Advanced Finds. I did some googling on the issue and only found vague references to our experience being atypical. That is, rollup fields are available in Advanced Find filters.

If so, did I do something wrong when I created them? I've created five across two entities and none of them are available in the filters.

Getting error when upgrading Org to Service Pack 1 (2016.01)


I'm trying to install the Service Pack to 2016.01 on-prem .

When I ran the installer, it said that some organizations were not upgraded, and that I should do so manually from Deployment Manager.  I have 2 organizations that were not updated So I went to Deployment manager , selected my org, and tried to update.

This fails, and in the log I get the following:

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: Error installing sp with name=t_ComponentSetTable Cannot drop type 'dbo.t_ComponentSetTable' because it is being referenced by object 'p_RetrieveMultipleDirectAncestors'. There may be other objects that reference this type. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot drop type 'dbo.t_ComponentSetTable' because it is being referenced by object 'p_RetrieveMuldtipleDirectAncestors'. There may be other objects that reference this type.

Any solution for this .

Thanks in advance !!

Error when importing solution in dynamics 365 crm



I have a problem when I try to import my solution to a sandbox Dynamics 365 CRM instance.

I have the error on  xml data representing the entity... system populated field for the xml representation of the layout of the form or dashboard” in dynamics CRM and in Details : An error has occurred.

I made a screenshot of the error.

Cannot remove backslashes from returned array value, javascript


I am creating a button on the account homepage that will launch a map, the map contains multiple pins for the address of selected accounts.  I have the button working, and I use the Xrm.Utility.openWebResource where I pass over an encoded array.  My issue comes when I decode the parameter, it is coming over with lots of backslashes \ that I cannot clear out.

function initMap()

{ var vals = new Array(); vals = location.search.substr(1).split("&"); for (var i in vals) { vals[i] = vals[i].replace(/\+/g, " ").split("="); } for (var i in vals) { if (vals[i][0].toLowerCase() == "data" )
vals = decodeURIComponent(vals[i][1]).split("&");

vals[0] returns the following

"[\"123 fake st, new york, NY, 12345\",\"9700 not real rd, orlando, FL, 98765\",\"again test rd, fakesite, MN, 77777\"]"

I need to turn these addresses into an array with just the address, but I have been having a lot of trouble removing the backslash \.

I have tried the below among other things, without any luck. Does anyone know how to get the backslash out?

Dynamics CRM 2016 server


How to fix it the error "CreateProcess failed (error = 3) (launchconditions.cpp:CLaunchConditions::LaunchManagedSetup:363) on installation process of CRM 2016 server?

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to install the Dynamics CRM 2016 on a windows server 2012 R2 Standard Version 6.3.9600 Build 9600, and everytime that a press the button to install the software, this dialog box appears.

So i went to the log file, and the file show this:

16:08:44| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:08:44 PM ===
16:08:44| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:08:44| Info| User: administrator.
16:08:44| Info| Getting the installed product lcid from the cached MSI.
16:08:44| Info| No pending reboot detected
16:08:44| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.

16:08:44| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:08:44 PM ===
16:08:44| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:08:44| Info| User: administrator.
16:08:44| Info| Getting the installed product lcid from the cached MSI.
16:08:44| Info| No pending reboot detected
16:08:45| Info| Waiting for PrereqCheck to be signaled
16:08:45| Info| Initializing COM.
16:08:45| Info| Initialized COM.
16:08:45| Info| CIsVcRedist12Installed=1
16:08:45| Info| VCRedist 12 with version 12.0.21005 is already installed
16:08:45| Info| CIsVcRedist10Installed=1
16:08:45| Info| VCRedist 10 SP1 with version 10.0.40219 is already installed
16:08:45| Info| Initializing COM.
16:08:45| Info| Initialized COM.
16:08:45| Info| Uninitializing COM.
16:08:45| Info| Uninitialized COM.
16:08:45| Info| Running prereq checks
16:08:45| Info| DotNet v4 Release value: 394271
16:08:45| Info| IsDotNetInstalled=1
16:08:45| Info| IsDrWatsonInstalled=1
16:08:45| Info| Sql Native Client version found is 10.3.5500
16:08:45| Info| IsSqlNativeClientInstalled=1
16:08:45| Info| Sql System Clr Types version found is 11.0.2100
16:08:45| Info| IsSqlSystemClrTypesInstalled=1
16:08:45| Info| Sql Server Management Objects version found is 11.0.2100
16:08:45| Info| IsSqlSMOInstalled=1
16:08:45| Info| Minimum required version for ReportViewerControl is 11.1.3366.16, but <
16:08:45| Info| Installed version is 11.1.3366.16 (with UpgradeCode {601E4292-D959-405C-B916-A33C178B25E1})
16:08:45| Info| IsReportViewerControlInstalled=1
16:08:45| Info| Uninitializing COM.
16:08:45| Info| Uninitialized COM.
16:08:45| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging ended 3/2/2017 4:08:45 PM ===
16:08:45| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:08:45 PM ===
16:08:45| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:08:45| Info| User: administrator.
16:08:45| Error| CreateProcess failed.(error = 3) (launchconditions.cpp:CLaunchConditions::LaunchManagedSetup:363).
16:08:46| Error| CreateProcess failed., Error, OK
16:08:47| Info| InputResult: OK
16:08:47| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.

16:09:41| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:09:41 PM ===
16:09:41| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:09:41| Info| User: administrator.
16:09:41| Info| Getting the installed product lcid from the cached MSI.
16:09:41| Info| No pending reboot detected
16:09:41| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.

16:09:41| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:09:41 PM ===
16:09:41| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:09:41| Info| User: administrator.
16:09:41| Info| Getting the installed product lcid from the cached MSI.
16:09:41| Info| No pending reboot detected
16:09:41| Info| Waiting for PrereqCheck to be signaled
16:09:41| Info| Initializing COM.
16:09:41| Info| Initialized COM.
16:09:41| Info| CIsVcRedist12Installed=1
16:09:41| Info| VCRedist 12 with version 12.0.21005 is already installed
16:09:41| Info| CIsVcRedist10Installed=1
16:09:41| Info| VCRedist 10 SP1 with version 10.0.40219 is already installed
16:09:41| Info| Initializing COM.
16:09:41| Info| Initialized COM.
16:09:41| Info| Uninitializing COM.
16:09:41| Info| Uninitialized COM.
16:09:41| Info| Running prereq checks
16:09:41| Info| DotNet v4 Release value: 394271
16:09:41| Info| IsDotNetInstalled=1
16:09:41| Info| IsDrWatsonInstalled=1
16:09:41| Info| Sql Native Client version found is 10.3.5500
16:09:42| Info| IsSqlNativeClientInstalled=1
16:09:42| Info| Sql System Clr Types version found is 11.0.2100
16:09:42| Info| IsSqlSystemClrTypesInstalled=1
16:09:42| Info| Sql Server Management Objects version found is 11.0.2100
16:09:42| Info| IsSqlSMOInstalled=1
16:09:42| Info| Minimum required version for ReportViewerControl is 11.1.3366.16, but <
16:09:42| Info| Installed version is 11.1.3366.16 (with UpgradeCode {601E4292-D959-405C-B916-A33C178B25E1})
16:09:42| Info| IsReportViewerControlInstalled=1
16:09:42| Info| Uninitializing COM.
16:09:42| Info| Uninitialized COM.
16:09:42| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging ended 3/2/2017 4:09:42 PM ===
16:09:42| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:09:42 PM ===
16:09:42| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:09:42| Info| User: administrator.
16:09:42| Error| CreateProcess failed.(error = 3) (launchconditions.cpp:CLaunchConditions::LaunchManagedSetup:363).
16:09:43| Error| CreateProcess failed., Error, OK
16:09:43| Info| InputResult: OK
16:09:43| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.

16:30:24| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:30:24 PM ===
16:30:24| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:30:24| Info| User: administrator.
16:30:24| Info| Getting the installed product lcid from the cached MSI.
16:30:24| Info| No pending reboot detected
16:30:24| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.

16:30:24| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:30:24 PM ===
16:30:24| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:30:24| Info| User: administrator.
16:30:24| Info| Getting the installed product lcid from the cached MSI.
16:30:24| Info| No pending reboot detected
16:30:24| Info| Waiting for PrereqCheck to be signaled
16:30:24| Info| Initializing COM.
16:30:24| Info| Initialized COM.
16:30:24| Info| CIsVcRedist12Installed=1
16:30:24| Info| VCRedist 12 with version 12.0.21005 is already installed
16:30:24| Info| CIsVcRedist10Installed=1
16:30:24| Info| VCRedist 10 SP1 with version 10.0.40219 is already installed
16:30:24| Info| Initializing COM.
16:30:24| Info| Initialized COM.
16:30:24| Info| Uninitializing COM.
16:30:24| Info| Uninitialized COM.
16:30:24| Info| Running prereq checks
16:30:24| Info| DotNet v4 Release value: 394271
16:30:24| Info| IsDotNetInstalled=1
16:30:24| Info| IsDrWatsonInstalled=1
16:30:24| Info| Sql Native Client version found is 10.3.5500
16:30:24| Info| IsSqlNativeClientInstalled=1
16:30:24| Info| Sql System Clr Types version found is 11.0.2100
16:30:24| Info| IsSqlSystemClrTypesInstalled=1
16:30:24| Info| Sql Server Management Objects version found is 11.0.2100
16:30:24| Info| IsSqlSMOInstalled=1
16:30:24| Info| Minimum required version for ReportViewerControl is 11.1.3366.16, but <
16:30:24| Info| Installed version is 11.1.3366.16 (with UpgradeCode {601E4292-D959-405C-B916-A33C178B25E1})
16:30:24| Info| IsReportViewerControlInstalled=1
16:30:24| Info| Uninitializing COM.
16:30:24| Info| Uninitialized COM.
16:30:24| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging ended 3/2/2017 4:30:24 PM ===
16:30:24| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:30:24 PM ===
16:30:24| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:30:24| Info| User: administrator.
16:30:24| Error| CreateProcess failed.(error = 3) (launchconditions.cpp:CLaunchConditions::LaunchManagedSetup:363).
16:34:17| Error| CreateProcess failed., Error, OK
16:34:17| Info| InputResult: OK
16:34:17| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.

I looked up in the web about this error "CreateProcess failed error = 3...", but I didn't find anything, so wasn't possible to find a fix it for this error.
Can anyone here help me?

best regards,

Error in CRM Online Help Search @ https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/crm-help-center/search/default.aspx


There appears to be an error in the online help search.


Using the link above, if you search for the word Marketing then no results will be rendered in the client's browser.

The results are returned to the client but fail to parse because the response JSON is invalid (example below)

,{"Title":"Why does the email message I sent have a "Pending Send" status? | Microsoft Dynamics CRM",

Dynamics CRM 2016 Javascript - Set address fields values based on selection from option set value


Working fine on CRM 2011 . the address is retrieved from the organisation addresses correctly and is displayed in the option set. However when trying to set the fields when selecting the billing address on change, nothing seems to populate on the address line fields.

Expected to populated address lines based on selection from the optionset. 

function setAddressFields() {

if (addresses == null) return;

var billingAddressOS = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_billingaddress");

var addressOS = document.getElementById("new_billingaddress");

if (addressOS.selectedIndex != 0)


var i = addressOS.selectedIndex - 1;









else {










Add Filter to Help Desk Web Page



My organization is using the help desk on the customer service portal.

The "Cases Web View" determines what fields portal users see on the help desk web page. Out of the box, the help desk web page has two filters: 1) for created by (i.e. by current user or by user's organization), and 2) for status.

The ask is: how canI modify this web page, or the view to add a third filter?

Thank you in advance for your help!

BPF and workflows for Lead created using XRM sdk



I am creating a lead using XRM sdk. But I could not see Business process flow for the leads created using sdk and also Workflow which triggers upon lead creation in the portal is not triggering if I create the lead using  code. Please help me.

SSRS FetchXML Include Image (entityimage)



I am trying to include an image in an SSRS report from an Entity image (entityimage attribute).

The dataset returns the entityimage attribute. I assigned the attribute to the Image control, but no image is shown.

I have read some posts, and It seems Itis not possible to include images from entity record using FetchXML...

Is that true ? If yes, what are the alternatives ?

Thank you.

Parse formXml


Hi, does anyone know how can I parse the form xml string so I know what fields, tabs and sections are there in an entity forms.

I want to build a portal based on the form xml strings in Angular 2.



Crm WebAPI batch operation and transactions question



I know that batch operation supports transaction (all succeed or fail) but what i wanted to know is if you are using multiple changesets within a batch operation, are these treated as nested transactions which all changeset needs to be successful in order for the batch to save, or if one of the changesets fails will the entire batch stop?

Also, assuming all changes are successful, can one changeset see newly created data from another changeset (which previously inserted a new record)?



Can't sign out of the portal by clicking on the "sign out" button



We can't sign out of the portal by clicking on the "sign out" button. It redirects me on the homepage but i'm still authenticated. Can somebody suggest what could be cause of this issue.

We are using AAD authentication on Azure and  ADX version is 7.0.0023

USD - New_CRM_Page Action populating ISH Page Incorrectly



I have Case/Incident toolbar which includes buttons for different activity types. When the hosted controls for the activity pages are regular CRM Pages, all in fine. However when I change them to ISH pages (my desired page type), the activity is not able to be saved

"Record is Unavailable

The requested record was not found or you do not have sufficient permissions to view it."

I have determined that this is because the regarding field is not being populated correctly, as when I search and reset the related case, the activity is able to be saved. Looking at the debug parameters I can see that when the hosted control is the ISH type, the regardingObject is being set as account, rather than incident

Here is my data for the action


Here are the activity parameters when the hosted control is a crm page (and works)

and when it is a ish page

Anybody have any idea's why this could be?



How to do mandatory check that records should be created in Subgrid(Contact) to every Account?


I have a requirement like below

Whenever user create/update account, it should be validated with creating at least 4 contact records for each Product(lookup), if < 4 then throw exception.

For Eg: User just creates Account X for Product A then after sometime user opening same Account X when we need to do a check if he created at least 4 contacts (it's a subgrid in Account entity) for Product A in Account, if < 4 contacts created then throw alert and not allowing to save the Account X

We have 4 types of contact (eg: Contact C1,C2,C3,C4) record for each Product and each Account so it is mandatory to create

It'd be great if anyone share how to check this using plugin. Thanks in advance.

CRM cannot find case form


I have several Case forms to cater for different BU.

As a CRM admin, I have selected the form Case (BU:ABC) & later I had accidentally deleted the this form in the customisation. And now whenever I wanted to create new case, the IE prompted error, error log mentioned:

systemform With Id = 2df7e23d-88ee-4b66-81db-8e1730ac2a3f Does Not Exist.

I believe the New Case is still pointing to the deleted form. I tried deleted the temp file, cookies, etc in IE, but still having the error.

Any clue to help. Thanks.

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