How to fix it the error "CreateProcess failed (error = 3) (launchconditions.cpp:CLaunchConditions::LaunchManagedSetup:363) on installation process of CRM 2016 server?
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to install the Dynamics CRM 2016 on a windows server 2012 R2 Standard Version 6.3.9600 Build 9600, and everytime that a press the button to install the software, this dialog box appears.
So i went to the log file, and the file show this:
16:08:44| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:08:44 PM ===
16:08:44| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:08:44| Info| User: administrator.
16:08:44| Info| Getting the installed product lcid from the cached MSI.
16:08:44| Info| No pending reboot detected
16:08:44| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.
16:08:44| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:08:44 PM ===
16:08:44| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:08:44| Info| User: administrator.
16:08:44| Info| Getting the installed product lcid from the cached MSI.
16:08:44| Info| No pending reboot detected
16:08:45| Info| Waiting for PrereqCheck to be signaled
16:08:45| Info| Initializing COM.
16:08:45| Info| Initialized COM.
16:08:45| Info| CIsVcRedist12Installed=1
16:08:45| Info| VCRedist 12 with version 12.0.21005 is already installed
16:08:45| Info| CIsVcRedist10Installed=1
16:08:45| Info| VCRedist 10 SP1 with version 10.0.40219 is already installed
16:08:45| Info| Initializing COM.
16:08:45| Info| Initialized COM.
16:08:45| Info| Uninitializing COM.
16:08:45| Info| Uninitialized COM.
16:08:45| Info| Running prereq checks
16:08:45| Info| DotNet v4 Release value: 394271
16:08:45| Info| IsDotNetInstalled=1
16:08:45| Info| IsDrWatsonInstalled=1
16:08:45| Info| Sql Native Client version found is 10.3.5500
16:08:45| Info| IsSqlNativeClientInstalled=1
16:08:45| Info| Sql System Clr Types version found is 11.0.2100
16:08:45| Info| IsSqlSystemClrTypesInstalled=1
16:08:45| Info| Sql Server Management Objects version found is 11.0.2100
16:08:45| Info| IsSqlSMOInstalled=1
16:08:45| Info| Minimum required version for ReportViewerControl is 11.1.3366.16, but <
16:08:45| Info| Installed version is 11.1.3366.16 (with UpgradeCode {601E4292-D959-405C-B916-A33C178B25E1})
16:08:45| Info| IsReportViewerControlInstalled=1
16:08:45| Info| Uninitializing COM.
16:08:45| Info| Uninitialized COM.
16:08:45| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging ended 3/2/2017 4:08:45 PM ===
16:08:45| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:08:45 PM ===
16:08:45| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:08:45| Info| User: administrator.
16:08:45| Error| CreateProcess failed.(error = 3) (launchconditions.cpp:CLaunchConditions::LaunchManagedSetup:363).
16:08:46| Error| CreateProcess failed., Error, OK
16:08:47| Info| InputResult: OK
16:08:47| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.
16:09:41| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:09:41 PM ===
16:09:41| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:09:41| Info| User: administrator.
16:09:41| Info| Getting the installed product lcid from the cached MSI.
16:09:41| Info| No pending reboot detected
16:09:41| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.
16:09:41| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:09:41 PM ===
16:09:41| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:09:41| Info| User: administrator.
16:09:41| Info| Getting the installed product lcid from the cached MSI.
16:09:41| Info| No pending reboot detected
16:09:41| Info| Waiting for PrereqCheck to be signaled
16:09:41| Info| Initializing COM.
16:09:41| Info| Initialized COM.
16:09:41| Info| CIsVcRedist12Installed=1
16:09:41| Info| VCRedist 12 with version 12.0.21005 is already installed
16:09:41| Info| CIsVcRedist10Installed=1
16:09:41| Info| VCRedist 10 SP1 with version 10.0.40219 is already installed
16:09:41| Info| Initializing COM.
16:09:41| Info| Initialized COM.
16:09:41| Info| Uninitializing COM.
16:09:41| Info| Uninitialized COM.
16:09:41| Info| Running prereq checks
16:09:41| Info| DotNet v4 Release value: 394271
16:09:41| Info| IsDotNetInstalled=1
16:09:41| Info| IsDrWatsonInstalled=1
16:09:41| Info| Sql Native Client version found is 10.3.5500
16:09:42| Info| IsSqlNativeClientInstalled=1
16:09:42| Info| Sql System Clr Types version found is 11.0.2100
16:09:42| Info| IsSqlSystemClrTypesInstalled=1
16:09:42| Info| Sql Server Management Objects version found is 11.0.2100
16:09:42| Info| IsSqlSMOInstalled=1
16:09:42| Info| Minimum required version for ReportViewerControl is 11.1.3366.16, but <
16:09:42| Info| Installed version is 11.1.3366.16 (with UpgradeCode {601E4292-D959-405C-B916-A33C178B25E1})
16:09:42| Info| IsReportViewerControlInstalled=1
16:09:42| Info| Uninitializing COM.
16:09:42| Info| Uninitialized COM.
16:09:42| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging ended 3/2/2017 4:09:42 PM ===
16:09:42| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:09:42 PM ===
16:09:42| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:09:42| Info| User: administrator.
16:09:42| Error| CreateProcess failed.(error = 3) (launchconditions.cpp:CLaunchConditions::LaunchManagedSetup:363).
16:09:43| Error| CreateProcess failed., Error, OK
16:09:43| Info| InputResult: OK
16:09:43| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.
16:30:24| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:30:24 PM ===
16:30:24| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:30:24| Info| User: administrator.
16:30:24| Info| Getting the installed product lcid from the cached MSI.
16:30:24| Info| No pending reboot detected
16:30:24| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.
16:30:24| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:30:24 PM ===
16:30:24| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:30:24| Info| User: administrator.
16:30:24| Info| Getting the installed product lcid from the cached MSI.
16:30:24| Info| No pending reboot detected
16:30:24| Info| Waiting for PrereqCheck to be signaled
16:30:24| Info| Initializing COM.
16:30:24| Info| Initialized COM.
16:30:24| Info| CIsVcRedist12Installed=1
16:30:24| Info| VCRedist 12 with version 12.0.21005 is already installed
16:30:24| Info| CIsVcRedist10Installed=1
16:30:24| Info| VCRedist 10 SP1 with version 10.0.40219 is already installed
16:30:24| Info| Initializing COM.
16:30:24| Info| Initialized COM.
16:30:24| Info| Uninitializing COM.
16:30:24| Info| Uninitialized COM.
16:30:24| Info| Running prereq checks
16:30:24| Info| DotNet v4 Release value: 394271
16:30:24| Info| IsDotNetInstalled=1
16:30:24| Info| IsDrWatsonInstalled=1
16:30:24| Info| Sql Native Client version found is 10.3.5500
16:30:24| Info| IsSqlNativeClientInstalled=1
16:30:24| Info| Sql System Clr Types version found is 11.0.2100
16:30:24| Info| IsSqlSystemClrTypesInstalled=1
16:30:24| Info| Sql Server Management Objects version found is 11.0.2100
16:30:24| Info| IsSqlSMOInstalled=1
16:30:24| Info| Minimum required version for ReportViewerControl is 11.1.3366.16, but <
16:30:24| Info| Installed version is 11.1.3366.16 (with UpgradeCode {601E4292-D959-405C-B916-A33C178B25E1})
16:30:24| Info| IsReportViewerControlInstalled=1
16:30:24| Info| Uninitializing COM.
16:30:24| Info| Uninitialized COM.
16:30:24| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging ended 3/2/2017 4:30:24 PM ===
16:30:24| Info| === Setup bootstrap logging started 3/2/2017 4:30:24 PM ===
16:30:24| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:30:24| Info| User: administrator.
16:30:24| Error| CreateProcess failed.(error = 3) (launchconditions.cpp:CLaunchConditions::LaunchManagedSetup:363).
16:34:17| Error| CreateProcess failed., Error, OK
16:34:17| Info| InputResult: OK
16:34:17| Info| Clean up the BITS downloader.
I looked up in the web about this error "CreateProcess failed error = 3...", but I didn't find anything, so wasn't possible to find a fix it for this error.
Can anyone here help me?
best regards,