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Processing Images in a Sandbox plugin



I am trying to compress a jpg picture in a plugin reading the data from the DocumentBody of an annotation , I tried different libraries and methods but I still get the same error  : 

The specified domain does not exist or cannot be contacted

An unexpected error occurred from ISV code.

This is very likely due to sandbox limitations, I think the main problems is with the library system.drawing.

Has anybody ever archived this?

Should I look to different approaches: web service or a night job?



Button not working on homegrid command Bar MS CRM 2016 online


Hi Guys,

I am trying to disable a button on the basis of roles , for which i have written a JS to identify roles . I have added command on HomeGrid button and mention Enable rule but JS is not detecting/working for my grid button.

Any Suggestion?

CRM users versus Exchange mailboxes (shared/personal)


In our company, our agents works in a specific office.

Every  agent (user) has a private mailbox (exchange mailbox) but also access to the shared mailbox from the office (also an shared exchange mailbox).

With the private mailbox, they only can send/receive mails internally (no external mails), for external mailing they have to use the office mailbox.

Is it possible to connect the shared Exchange mailbox to a CRM user?

So multiple CRM users are connected to the same (shared) Exchange mailbox?

Or do we have to change our configuration so every agent can send/receive mails externally, which is a hugh change in our way to work (and our company policy)?

We are using the CRM for Outlook to sync (but have plans to switch to Server Synchronization).

CRM 2016 Solution Imported Successfully with 99.xx%


Hi all,

I wonder why some solutions are imported successfully with progress percentage that never reaches 100%.

Is it normal?

How does CRM determine the percentage?



Outlook Plugin that works for Dynamics 2016 Update 1 and Windows 10


Currently we are running Dynamics 2016 update 1 in production on Windows 8.1.   All new employees or computers will now be Windows 10.  This requires us to test windows 10.  Our client specialist was unable to push the current Outlook client

They found a note in the specs that stated: 

According to Microsoft, Windows 10 and / or Office 2016 support “is available only if your organization has updated to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2015 Update 1.1, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Update 0.2, or Microsoft Dynamics 365.”


Since this version is not compatible with Windows 10 and Dynamics 2016 Update 1, I need a version that is compatible with both Dynamics 2016 Update 1 and Windows 10 to test.

Upgrading to Dynamics 365 is not an option before this testing is complete.

CRM 2016 On-Premise, SDK error on Account Update


We are experiencing an issue with our customized code when updating certain Account entities. We are using CRM 2016 On-Premise, using a .Net application and CRM SDK to load records into the system.  The following describes the scenario in which we see the errors:

  • We have an Account record that exists in our CRM instance.

  • Then, using a QueryExpression, we retrieve the Account record.

  • Next, we do a OrganizationService Update on the record.

  • This throws an Exception (System.ServiceModel.FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault>), with the Message = “Object address not found on party or party is marked as non-emailable”

The confusing things is that the Update is not kicking off any Processes, we’re not doing an email/bulk-email on the record, or any other processing that should involve the email.  This doesn’t happen on all account records, only a tiny percentage of them (< 0.5%).

So the main question is, how can a simple Retrieve/Update on an Account give that type of error.

Any help appreciated.




Portal design depended on logged user



 is it possible to have portal design depended on logged user ?

For example:

>customer A with sign "new" and default language English

>customer B with sign "advanced" and default language French

When customer A log into portal -> there is simply clear portal design with few buttons and data are in English.

When customer B log into portal -> there is advanced design with more buttons and data are in French.

Data about customers are in CRM online (contacts).

And also is there any customization limitations ? Or it can be modified by CSS and Javascript like any other website ? Or it can by only less modified ?

Thanks for your answers.  

How to get only parent hot sheet link in Sales Order Form based on info of Customer Account



My problem scenario is -

Current CRM

Customer Account has all information about contact information, location, full information about company and history.

Hot- sheet is another entity which has information of customer's product details ( isbn , product functionality , wan , cables ,lan ,ip address , desktop pieces info etc) 

Note :- One Customer can multiple hot sheets but maintains parent hotsheet of customer 

Sales Order which tell you which order and who is customer , and other things 

What I want to do is when I'm opening any sale order of one customer account , I should have one field "Account Hot sheet" which has link to parent hot sheet automatic and after link its should open that particular hot sheet instead of doing with lookup filter.

I think its possible using JavaScript but how to do and what is the method to achieve this goal ?

May be using something like Xrm.Page.getAttribute("regardingobjectid").getValue(); I'm not sure and new to CRM Dynamics 365

Can anyone show me with a sample example ?



Display Process Stage on Form - Field only shows last stage?



I've added a text field to my form, and I would like to update that field with the current process stage when it changes. I created a workflow that fills in the text field when the "Process Stage" field changes. This part works fine. The issue is that the workflow seems to only update the text field with the last stage, not the current stage.

For example:

If the previous (completed) stage is "Identify", and the current stage in progress is "Send Proposal", the text field will display "Identify". If I then moved the stage to a third stage "Follow-up", the text field would then display "Send Proposal". 

Any ideas what could be going wrong? I would like the text field to always be updated with the current business process stage.

This is using CRM Online (this workflow worked previously in our CRM 2013 OnPrem environment).

MSCRM 2016 Online - No rows could be found for LocalizedLabel with id if LocalizedLabel were published


Hey experts, 

Recently I did an update to a managed solution and before the update I exported an unmanaged solution of some Entities so I can keep my customizations. I can't import the unmanaged solution because of this error. Also I did a compare of the current customizations.xml with the previous and there is no differerence in the SavedQueries. Here is the log if it might help.

Date/TimeItemTypeIdNameLocalized NameOriginal NameDescriptionStatusErrorCodeErrorText
17:43:52.76Labels     Processed  
17:43:52.96Solution UnmanagedSolutionUnmanagedSolution  Processed  
17:43:56.49Entity AccountAccountAccountBusiness that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions.Processed0x8004F039The duplicate detection rules for this entity have been unpublished due to possible modifications to the entity.
17:43:56.49Entity AccountAccountAccountBusiness that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions.Processed  
17:44:00.80Entity ContactContactContactPerson with whom a business unit has a relationship, such as customer, supplier, and colleague.Processed0x8004F039The duplicate detection rules for this entity have been unpublished due to possible modifications to the entity.
17:44:00.81Entity ContactContactContactPerson with whom a business unit has a relationship, such as customer, supplier, and colleague.Processed  
17:44:05.35Entity LeadLeadLeadProspect or potential sales opportunity. Leads are converted into accounts, contacts, or opportunities when they are qualified. Otherwise, they are deleted or archived.Processed  
17:44:06.31Entity ListMarketing ListMarketing List Processed  
17:44:06.34System Views AccountAccountAccountBusiness that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions.Processed  
17:44:06.78System Views ContactContactContactPerson with whom a business unit has a relationship, such as customer, supplier, and colleague.Processed  
17:44:06.95System Views LeadLeadLeadProspect or potential sales opportunity. Leads are converted into accounts, contacts, or opportunities when they are qualified. Otherwise, they are deleted or archived.Failure0x80040217No rows could be found for LocalizedLabel with id c0def914-d823-e511-80e1-3863bb3630b8 if LocalizedLabel were published
   {70ad8b15-e3f3-4d7d-9e4b-16cb4e51b484}Contacts Dashboard Shows an overview of data related to contacts.Unprocessed  
   {15915835-b87c-49ec-9ffc-bfac3ac44ef1}Accounts Dashboard Shows an overview of data related to accounts.Unprocessed  



Submit Order and Process button gone


Hi guys,

So in our order we have Submit Order and Process button, but now it was gone. My suspicion is the Microsoft Dynamics Nav Integration that installed lately. Is there any function in there that trigger the Order Entity?? Can I know the functionality of this? Thanks in advance

While consuming WCF service in Classlibrary (plugin) getting the error.


While consuming the WCF service in Classlibrary(for plugin) getting the below error. kindly help me any body.

//Web Service

ServiceGetCustomerInfo.ICSIntegrationWSClient CustInfo = new ServiceGetCustomerInfo.ICSIntegrationWSClient();

Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'ServiceGetCustomerInfo.ICSIntegrationWS' in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no configuration file was found for your application, or because no endpoint element matching this contract could be found in the client element.

CRM 2016 External SSRS Report in IFrame in Dashboard show blank, no errors


Hi all,

I added an IFrame control in Daskboard to host external SSRS report, but when render there are nothing showed (blank), not even a single error message.

I unchecked "restrict cross-site" option but still no luck.

I also try changing the URL to https://www.google.ca, but still no luck.

Do I miss other configuration?

How do I troubleshoot this issue?



Calculated field



I've noticed that a calculated field, which in my case calculates a date difference is updated automatically once a day.

I'm wondering if this process is documented somewhere? The field recalculates at 4 p.m. Maybe somehow it's correlated to a time when it was created and published?


Viewing roll-up of data, Hierarchy or Teams?


Having trouble deciding which route to go.   I want the VP Sales to only view items that fall under managers that report to the VP.  For example, the default view for "My Team's Open Opportunities" is visible by the direct manager the sales person reports to.  I would like this same data to roll up to the VP.  I can't have the VP see all open opportunities as we have various regions controlled by specific VP's. 

What's the best route to go?  I currently have 3 BU, Top level and 2 sub-levels.  I rather not create BU for ever Branch/Manager, but if I need to then it is what it is.  Thank you 

Adding a related field and populating with historical data



We have a custom field on our opportunity entity (new_brand) - I was tasked with adding this field to both our quote and then the product.

new_brand is an option set currently at the entity level. I have added "brand" to the other 2 entities and used script to select the correct value when a page loads - that is all fine.

I have been asked to populate this for historical reporting. I did not create relationships when I set it up and not sure that would help here. We have new_brand on opportunity - the quote needs to set it brand to the opportunity it belongs to and the product needs to set it's brand to the quote it belongs to.

I have a few idea's on how to do this but not sure which would be the best way.

All help appreciated.

Mocking RetrieveEntityResponse - Is it possible?


This excellent article:


demonstrates how it is possible to mock a RetrieveAttributeResponse to enable Unit Testing of plugin code which uses this Response class. It creates a wrapper class which can be used in the Unit Test.

I've been using this method to mock not only the RetrieveAttributeResponse, but also the RetrieveMultipleResponse and RetrieveEntityResponse classes.

However, I've hit a problem when trying to work with my RetrieveEntityResponseWrapper. The response needs to contain an instance of EntityMetadata, which I can instantiate in my mocked response. However, I need to set the Attributes property of the EntityMetadata, which is a read-only property.
So in some way I need to have a wrapped class within a wrapped class, and I don't see how I can do this?

Is what I'm trying to do possible - can I mock the read-only Attributes property of the EntityMetadata property of my RetrieveEntityResponseWrapper?

Many thanks for your thoughts,

Required Components of CRM 2013 Installatioin


Hi there,

I am new to CRM world, and trying to install CRM 2013 on Windows Server 2012 R2 (as part of the upgrade project). During the install process, I got a window saying Download and Install Required Components, a few required components are not installed: 1.MS Application Error Reporting (> 12.0..), 2. MS SQL Reporting Service Report Viewer Control(>10.0.3..) and 3. SQL Native Client (> 10.1.25..). As our corporate policy, this server has no Internet connection for this server, I am trying to download and install them manually.

Here are my questions:

1. What is Microsoft Application Error Reporting, where can I get it?

2. I already installed SQL Native Client from SQL Server 2012(That is my SQL Server with sp3) from SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack, it should be the version 11, but the CRM installation still complaint not installed (I can view it in Control Panel);

3. I installed Report Viewer for SQL Server 2012, but it still complaints not installed. Is this Report Viewer different than the Viewer control, where can I get it?

I rebooted the server a few times after those component install.

Please help. Thanks in advance.


All subgrid disabled in advanced find


Hello, friends.

I have a problem. All subgrid buttons disabled in advanced find. How I can use them or how I can restore it?

That's a custom entity.

To find the contact entity matching with email address in Event Registration Form in Dynamics 365 Portal


We have "Event Registration form" in Dynamics 365 - Customer Self Service Portal. When the user provides his information (First & Last Names, email address and State), before saving this record it should search for contacts that are matching the email address entered in "Event Registration form" and set the contact reference to "Related Contact" attribute. Similarly for "Related Lead" also. 

Have used JavaScript to achieve this in Dynamics CRM Event Registration form using xrmservicetoolkit. But the same is not possible in Portal.

Please help me to resolve this issue.

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