We have CRM 2016 On-Premise linked to SharePoint 2013. The functionality works fine for Standard entities such as opportunities. Going to documents under an opportunity prompts the question if you want to create a new folder for this opportunity. This folder sits under the opportunity main folder which in turn sits under the account folder. So the structure is: Accounts -> Customer ABC Folder -> Opportunities -> Opportunity 1 ABC -> File.PDF. (example: http://crmportal2013/crm2016/account/McPera Corp/opportunity/OPP160334 - NA_SW_Pera Corporation_Fin_SLAN _2A3F855A1369E6118)
Now I have a custom entity called Estimates for which I have enabled the Document function. The estimate form has an account field which establishes The behavior however is different. Even though Estimates is linked to an account and an opportunity, CRM always creates a new folder under new_estimates and ignores that the record is linked to an account. (example: http://crmportal2013/crm2016/new_estimate/EST160035_2A3F855A1369E6118)
I would like to save all documents related to ONE account under the account folder such as this: http://crmportal2013/crm2016/account/McPera Corp/estimate/EST160035_2A3F855A1369E6118)
Where do I establish the relationship that drives the creation of the Estimate folder under the appropriate Account folder?
Thanks a lot for your help.