Im using the functionality to copy a sandbox instance which works lika a charm. After the copy is complete I want to delete som data, more specifically the plugin trace logs which Im not able to. Im receiving a business process error saying "Access denied" and the log file is like this
<InnerFault> <ErrorCode>-2147187962</ErrorCode> <ErrorDetails xmlns:a=""/> <Message>Not enough privilege to access the Microsoft Dynamics CRM object or perform the requested operation. The current Organizationid '4ae8c831-b9ae-4407-b831-d034256023e5' does not match with userOrTeam's organization id 'a1996187-15e1-4ec0-9081-a9e2aa1372f1'.</Message> <Timestamp>2016-08-31T11:29:49.7660311Z</Timestamp> <InnerFault i:nil="true"/> <TraceText i:nil="true"/> </InnerFault>
I understand the error, as I do not belong to the same organization as the instance I copied, but what I do not understand is how to fix this, if possible.
Is there anyone that can help?
Thanks in advance