I am trying to import list of tasks that are tied to respective accounts and the tasks are meant to be assigned as an activity to various users upon successful import.
my file contains following fields
1)BCN: Branch customer number for an Account
2) Regarding(Account): Name of the Account, Primary key by default
3) Task
7) Priority
Upon completion of the job system reports failure for 50% of the records. The message is Lookup reference could not be resolved/ duplicate record was found.
In our database an Account can have multiple branches with same name. only unique field is Branch customer number (BCN). When I try to map this field, I don't get the option to select BCN to mapped for Task Entity as there is no BCN field on Task.
I also tried modifying Regarding lookup field selection and checked BCN along with Account name(primary key) and still get same failure result.
Can some body tell me what am I doing wrong here or what should I do instead.
Thanks in Advance!