We are currently experiencing an issue where all Plug-ins are timing out. This has happened 4 times in the last 2 months and several other times in the last 2 years. Since we use a lot of add-ons it renders our system unusable. I believe there is a significant gap in the support process for Plug-ins and 3rd Party Add-ons. If you feel my pain please chime in.
I have tried raising this issue through normal channels for over a year, and now I'm trying a grass-roots approach to get attention.
I know this issue has affected others, please let me know your experience. I have filled out dozens of customers feedback forms and corresponded with the (now disbanded) "Customer Success" team all with zero resolution. I have also been given this link (connect.microsoft.com/directory) where Dynamics CRM is longer taking entries. I feel I am out of options.
Dynamics CRM Online has been a great application for us, we love the 3rd party add-ons, and they have evolved and grown significantly but support has not caught up with this evolution.
Here are my concerns/issues:
1. No category existing for API or Plug-in Availability. This makes it impossible to draw attention to these outages through normal channels.
2. The root cause analysis on outages has been incorrect. e.g. (CR72636 is listed as a "FALSE" positive)
3. No proactive monitoring exists for these issues from Microsoft. We have had full outages and Level 1 support and the Portal are unaware.
4. API and Plug-in unavailability should be considered an outage.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? or feel that the support in this area is insufficient?
If you support or have created an add-on this significantly effects your customer experience.
Any help or comments are welcome.