Hello I am new to CRM Development (If anyone know if any helpful resources to deep dive into this that would be appreciated!) .. I am trying to create a plugin for both create and update of a record. The logic is simply: Look to see if an Opportunity record exist with the same 2 Account lookups (Called Member - Lookup Field 1 & Vendor - Lookup Field 2) based on the current record which is a custom entity called Purchase.
The code is getting the member and vendor guids but error out after that .. This is the message in the error log:
Entered Purchase.PluginsPurchase.PrePurchasesCreate.Execute(), Correlation Id: 42a3142e-a615-4ea5-a986-5d35e10fcad3, Initiating User: ca299dee-6a00-4fde-942f-d28812d2fe19
Purchase.PluginsPurchase.PrePurchasesCreate is firing for Entity: new_purchases, Message: Create, Correlation Id: 42a3142e-a615-4ea5-a986-5d35e10fcad3, Initiating User: ca299dee-6a00-4fde-942f-d28812d2fe19
memberID = 34cb1bd5-1068-e611-80d7-fc15b428cc94
vendorID = 4be4391d-1168-e611-80d7-fc15b428cc94
Exiting Purchase.PluginsPurchase.PrePurchasesCreate.Execute(), Correlation Id: 42a3142e-a615-4ea5-a986-5d35e10fcad3, Initiating User: ca299dee-6a00-4fde-942f-d28812d2fe19
Any assistance to get this running? Also how can I then modify this for an update event (this is code is for a create event):
protected void ExecutePrePurchasesCreate(LocalPluginContext localContext)
if (localContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("localContext");
OrganizationServiceContext orgService = new OrganizationServiceContext(localContext.OrganizationService);
// Obtain the execution context from the service provider.
IPluginExecutionContext context = localContext.PluginExecutionContext;
IOrganizationService service = localContext.OrganizationService;
ITracingService traceService = localContext.TracingService;
//if (context.Depth > 1) { return; }
Entity current = null;
if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity)
// Obtain the target entity from the input parameters.
current = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
if (current.LogicalName == "new_purchases")
// Get current Member and Vendor from purchase entity
Guid memberID = Guid.Empty;
Guid vendorID = Guid.Empty;
if (current.Contains("new_member"))
memberID = ((EntityReference)current["new_member"]).Id;
traceService.Trace("memberID = " + memberID.ToString());
if (current.Contains("new_vendor"))
vendorID = ((EntityReference)current["new_vendor"]).Id;
traceService.Trace("vendorID = " + vendorID.ToString());
// find the match fields in oppoturnity
var lqOpp = (from o in orgService.CreateQuery("opportunity")
where (Guid)o["new_member"] == memberID &&
(Guid)o["new_vendor"] == vendorID &&
(int)o["new_OpportunityType"] != 100000001 &&
(int)o["statecode"] == 1
orderby o["createdon"] descending
select o).ToList();
if (lqOpp.Count > 0)
//This is a match and store value into sik_relatedopportunity field
traceService.Trace("This is a match, store value into new_opportunity field");
current["new_opportunity"] = new EntityReference("opportunity", lqOpp.First().Id);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("An error occurred in the plug-in.", ex);