I have a view and pivot excel report based on that view that I want to run and email to people daily. Is there anyway to do this with Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update 1? I took on this project thinking it would take me 30 minutes but it has been dragging on for days. It is a simple pivot chart of names and dates, how many leads created by name per day.... Very simple to create in excel or google sheets.
I have gone so far as using powerbi online, I created a decent pivot chart using powerbi desktop, uploaded it to powerbi online to possibly publish the data and there is an odd date UTC issue on the online version where anything created/timestamped after 6pm CST is getting counted toward the following day due to timezones.... uggghhhh.
Any help on getting this done automatically would be great. I would even pay for a solution to email the report as long as the data was updated before it was sent.