I created a new Dashboard and used a HTML Web resource in Dashboard. HTML Web Resource contains No. of Grid of Account entity. My Grid is look like this:
Account Name | Account Number | Parent Account | Phone Number |
account1 | 12345 | xyz | 123456789 |
account2 | 54321 | zyx | 987654321 |
I put a link on Account Name (i.e. account1) which opens the record of crm. But when I click on Account Name, it causes error. But when I test that link in browser, it is working fine. the error which i am facing, given below:
global.ashx?ver=-942172701:5 Uncaught Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Service Xrm.Interfaces.Services.IMostRecentlyViewedService already has an implementation
Is there any way to solve this ?
Thanks in advance.