Hi All,
I have setup ADX Master portal in my local and connecting to Dynamics CRM 365 free subscription.
Problem I am currently facing is am not able to show the list of contacts or any other entities in ADX portals.
I have created an Entity List for Active Contacts,and created a webpage under content as "activecontacts" with
Page Template as "Full Page". When I am trying to browse to "localhost/.../activecontacts" page the page is displaying with Table with header containing All columns from the selected view but not the data.
In place of data it is displaying "The required anti-forgery form field "__RequestVerificationToken" is not present."
I have verified the cookies and the hidden field (__RequestVerificationToken) on the form . this field is present on the form. Still the page is not displaying any contacts.
Please help me to solve this issue which enable me to continue my learning in ADX.