Our CRM est CRM 2016 on-premises which was migrated form CRM 4.0, after this migration, from the quote form, and then navigation panel, there is no order link from where we have get all associted orders.
I have checked in the settings of the form, try to remove and re-add the one to many relationship Order, it doesnt work.
We have a CRM 2016 for developpement enviroment, there is an test organisation, the link order displayed well on the quote form, I have compared 2 formxml, they are the same,
<NavBarByRelationshipItem RelationshipName="hardcoded_{B7196B13-6B9D-42CD-BD58-B19A3953126F}navOrders" Id="navOrders" Show="true" Area="Sales" Sequence="1004"><Titles><Title LCID="1036" Text="Commandes" /></Titles></NavBarByRelationshipItem>
Anyone has ideas? I will try to add a subgrid on the quote form if there is no solution.