I am having real issues with this, so hopefully someone can help me. (FYI names are funny as fiddling in our sandbox environement
I have 2 Entities; competitor & liss_lvproduct. These two have an intercept entity (Manual Many to Many) called new_competitorproductanalysis. This entity has 1 lookup field to each of the entities above. This intercept entity provides our sales staff with information about a competitor and the specific product and gives hints on how to sell our Product over the competitor. So an info/help entity.
Attached to out contact entity we have a 4th Entity new_productfactfind this entity is completed by the user while on the phone to the contact and records info on when the factfind took place and additional info such as how ready/willing they are to use us for the product, how they chose a supplier for that product etc.
It is working really well, however while on the phone users find it time consuming to jump to through the entities to get to the new_competitorproductanalysis for info. My idea is once they have selected a competitor and liss_lvproduct, these details are used to find the relevant new_competitorproductanalysis record and populate it in a lookup field liss_analysis on the productfactfind form allowing the user to jump straight to the information record.
Any one have any ideas on how I can do this via Java Script or Workflow. We are on CRM 2016 upgrade 1 online.