Hi experts,
I'ma facing some issue while trying to retrieve all attributes metadata. I would like to get all the attributes and their metadata for a specific entity (account for example). The first thing to do is a RetrieveEntityRequest like this:
var eMetadataRequest = new RetrieveEntityRequest { EntityFilters = EntityFilters.Attributes, LogicalName = "account" }; var eMetadataResponse = (RetrieveEntityResponse)crmService.Execute(eMetadataRequest); var accountMetadata = eMetadataResponse.EntityMetadata;
But, the display name for many attributes are null on the result (while they're not in CRM)
I know that there is a request of type RetrieveAttributeMetadata (that returns display name also)
var attReq = new RetrieveAttributeRequest { EntityLogicalName = "account", LogicalName = "preferredcontactmethodcode" }; var attRes = (RetrieveAttributeResponse)Service.Execute(attReq);
But I would not write a loop for all attributes retrieved on the first request to get displayName...
There is a parameter I missing on the first request? Or any other solution?
I would just like to point out that I have only one language installed on CRM