I'm looking to create a Word template that starts with Account information and contains all of the associated Activity records. These would be all of the Activity Party type records (via To, From, CC, etc) and Regarding (including ones associated through the Account's Contacts). This would basically be all of the Activities which are returned through the Account's Associated Grid View.
When I create a Word template and specify the Activity 1:N relationship, this will only return Activities where the Account has been Regarded, so it is missing the Activity Party ones and anything associated via the Contacts that belong to that Account. Is there any way to modify the Template to return the full set of records? The ultimate goal is to provide an output that the users can leverage to print an Account summary with all its Activities. Unfortunately Exporting to Excel is not an option because many of the Email Activities have more than 2000 characters so they exceed the Excel cell character limit.
Any ideas?