Sales Order entity has 'Customer' lookup field which has two entity relationships:
These entity relationships have Parent behavior setting by default once you install CRM.
It can be changed. During customization I changed them to Configurable cascading and turned-off Sharing cascading.
Now I need to turn it back to default setting (back to Parent). However, when I try to customize back to Parent relationship CRM shows an error message "SalesOrder is parented to Entity with id: 30b0cd7e-0081-42e1-9a48-688442277fae. Cannot create another parental relation with Entity: Account"
The entity in error message is Opportunity. Relationship with Opportunity has 'System' behavior type and wasn't changed. Checked all other N:1 SalesOrder entity relationships to be referral so they cannot generate this kind of error.
How can I turn these order_customer_contacts , order_customer_accounts back to Parent behavior?