An Entity [Account] has a field called [Project] in a 1:N relationship to an Entity called [Work]. Both Entities therefore are mapped by the same field and datatype
[Account].[Project] (Lookup) ---> 1:N ----> [Work]].[Project] (Lookup)
[Project] appears on the form of the Account Entity. And [Project] appears on the form of the Work Entity. As look-up datatypes, these are presented as GUID in the org_wfcrm database. And using T-SQL, they can be joined on the [Project] column on the org_Account and org_Work tables
In CRM: The relationship "Navigaton Pane Item for Primary Entity" under the newly created "Account to Work Association" has a Custom label called "Projects" related to the Account Entity.
Under Mapping the Source_Name and Target Name refers to their respective Entities. I've double-checked this.
But when Selecting the drop-down for the Account and then browsing to the "Projects" as such :
And then going under "Common" I get to the "Work Association Associated View" and then see nothing
No data is returned. Though in the database I can easily make the selection off of the same fields and related tables.
No idea what I"m doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks/.