I'm trying to configure Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 (on-premises) IFD with ADFS but I'm having a strange behavior.
If the user is in the internal network, there is no problem, he access CRM with <organization>.<rootdomain>, then is redirect to ADFS and after authenticated, is redirected back to <organization>.<rootdomain>.
If the user is in an EXTERNAl network, the user type the CRM url <organization>.<rootdomain>, is redirected to ADFS, and after authenticated is redirected to the external URL defined in the CRM IFD (example: auth.<domain>). This opens the wrong CRM organization, but if the user type again the correct URL <organizarion>.<rootdomain>, he has access and everything works fine.
Anyone can help?
I'm missing something? Is IFD problem or ADFS problem?