In the email setting , "Use Correlation to track email conversations", I had enabled the 'Use tracking token' & 'Use smart matching'.
In the 'Use smart matching', the 'Number of digits for incremental message counter' was set to 3. Due to this, the token number was being reset within a month & new email thread was append with duplicated tokens.
With the duplicate tokens, I am facing the email being tagged to the wrong incident.
Moving forward, I had set the 'Number of digits for incremental message counter' to 6 digits which is sufficient for my organisational usage.
Would like to know , how do I prevent incoming emails from tagging to the wrong existing incidents (with 3 digits counter). Any resolution that I can prevent someone that are using the existing email thread(with 3 digits counter) from tagging to the wrong incident?
1) Incident A created with appended token in email as "crm:0123001"
2) Incident B created 1 month later with appended token in email as "crm:0123001"
Now, someone(contact) using the Incident A email thread to reply, instead of tagging to Incident A, it will tag to Incident B which is incorrect. Any possibility I can prevent it?
Thanks for any advice.
Incident A