We have several user bases that are utilizing a single instance of CRM. All users spanning our business units should have access to the Account records that have a type of "Customer". The Accounts of Customer type are in the business unit (GCS&S). Account of type "prospect" should be limited in access to those users who are in the same Business Unit (GCS&S or Commercial or Defense or BusDev - all of which have a parent bus unit of Spirit).
We have this successfully implemented. Our issue comes to play with Opportunities.
Opportunities should be limited to the business unit. We have found that those opportunities in the Business Unit BusDev that use the Account records that are in the Business Unit GCS&S can be seen by the GCS&S business unit users. This was due to The N:1 relationship between Opportunities and Account with the behavior type of Parental.
From my research "You are seeing the effect of the 'Parental' Relationship with 'Reparent Cascade All' setting. If a relationship has Reparent Cascade All, then the owner of the parent record will have the same level of authorisation over the child records as they do over the parent."
As a new installation of Dynamics we want to understand the implications of changing the relationship.
- All customer accounts are accessible by all dynamics users - we have working
- All prospect accounts are accessible by only users in the business unit the account is assigned -we have working
- When using accounts on other entities visibility of the other entity should not be increased by the visibility of the related account record. - problem
In order to get #3 to work what should the parental relationship be on the account record?