Im trying out the Knowledge Base portal for CRM online. I encountered the following a problem i cant figure out:
I have the following code (fetchxml) in a webtemplate
{% fetchxml categories_query %}<fetch count="{{ count }}" aggregate="true" returntotalrecordcount="true" ><entity name="category" ><attribute name="categorynumber" alias="categorynumber" groupby="true" /><attribute name="parentcategoryid" alias="parentcategoryid" groupby="true" /><attribute name="title" alias="title" groupby="true" /><order alias="parentcategoryid" /><order alias="title" /><link-entity name="knowledgearticlescategories" from="categoryid" to="categoryid" link-type="outer"><attribute name="categoryid" alias="categoryid" groupby="true" /><attribute name="knowledgearticleid" alias="kb_count" aggregate="count" /></link-entity></entity></fetch> {% endfetchxml %}
In theory this should give me back all my categories for the KB articles with the count of the associated articles for each category. Something like this:
Actually this gives back the count wrong, because of the outer join, but where the categoryid id null, there i know the actual kb_count is 0. Thats not the problem.
The problem is when i insert this in to a page, i got back something like this:
Like the liquid parser just ignores the link-type="outer" part, and it gets data with a simple join on the entities.
How can i get back all the expected data?