We had a test instance of CRM we did quite a bit of early dev work on. Now that we have a better idea of what we're doing, I've made a new, clean machine with a clean CRM install. I was able to import our solution from the other system no problem. However, there are a few entities where we've loaded data that we'd like to move to the new system as well.
We're on-prem, so as far as I can tell we don't have access to the new Data Loader. So from everything I can find, it's looking like the steps are:
- Create a new view for an entity with all records/fields
- Export data using that view to Excel
- I created data maps, because there is quite a bit of mapping that needs to happen. By default, when I try to import with this Excel file, that Use Data Map option is missing. So I then need to:
- Open the Excel and delete columns A-C
- Copy the remaining fields into a new workbook, and save that as csv (I get errors otherwise, and there's a thread on here that says this is how to resolve the errors)
- Upload the csv with the data map (unfortunately, there are now fields that it's saying are unmapped, even using the map, that were in fact resolved when I created the data map, so no idea what's going on there)
- Repeat for each (relevant data-containing) entity
This seems...nuts. Am I missing some easier (non-paid-third-party) way to do this? I must be...