Hello Everyone,
I have a critical problem with SSRS report. I have a report that have to show some user data based on user business unit. I used all recommended techniques to get current session user business unit from inside report procedure, like pre-filtered views, filtered views, CRM SQL functions. I followed all techniques at following links
- https://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/cf51f771-0e28-4c48-8937-cace6dd20841/pass-parameters-to-ssrs-from-crm?forum=crmdevelopment
- https://community.dynamics.com/crm/f/117/t/157281
and much more.
The problem is that, all mentioned techniques did not return current session user (User that opens the Report). It is always returns user who opens the connection with SQL Server. This problem happens because CRM administrator configured Reports Data Source to use static credential option instead of shared credential.
I don't know why he configured Data Source like attached configuration.
My question now, how could I deal with this situation. Should CRM administrator change data source to first option (Credentials supplied by the user running the report)? Or there is another way to pass User Business Unit to report procedure regardless of the user who opens the connection to data source.
Thanks in Advance.