This update provides many performance and stability enhancements with a brand new Improved Process for Metric Feed!
New Metric Feed Functionality
(Existing customers will be required to update the solution from within CRM Online in order to start new game) Click here to learn how to update.
The latest release of the Gamification solution 1.4.5 has reversed the process of metric setup. This update has provided an efficient and streamlined process for metric creation!
The metrics can now be setup one time in the FantasySalesTeam CRM Online Solution after installation and from that point forward, games will be created using those options, without ever requiring a tenant administrator to log back into CRM Online FantasySalesTeam app. The metrics can now, once setup, also be used for multiple games; thus, reducing the effort required to recreate metrics for every game.
We look forward to all of you installing the new solution and as always we value your feedback.
Instructions for New Metric Feed Process
- Navigate to FantasySalesTeam Ribbon in Dynamics CRM App, click on Metrics. Click on Metric Feeds.
Then on Metric Feeds page, click on '+ New'. Now user can create new metric and set up parameters. User can edit name of “Metric 1” to something descriptive, e.g. Number of Tasks, Revenue, etc.
Once metric setup is complete, SAVE, then list of new metrics are found on metric feed page.
- The user will login to Gamification web app to begin Game Setup. On Step 2 of Game Setup the user will select from dropdown which contains all available Metric Feeds that were setup in Dynamics CRM.
- The user will select the desired metric for game and have option to customize name for metric. Then will input number of points to be awarded to metric.
- The option of Excel Metric is at the bottom of the list. Excel Metrics will not be tied to Dynamics and will instead be scored using our Excel Scoring Dashboards. The Customizable name is required for the excel metric. Once a game is ACTIVATED from the Games>Games Menu, the check will be removed from the checkbox under CRM for that game and the checkbox is grayed out.
- Once game is setup, then user can click on “Refresh Data” in FST Settings within Dynamics CRM App to pull new data from Gamification web app to CRM. Or user can wait until midnight. Data runs automatically each night or user can manually send update by clicking on Refresh Data.