I am facing issue in create appointment using SDK.REST and I have already referenced SDK.REST.js for using SDK.REST but still getting error like undefined.
below is my code :
function createAppointment(accountId,accountName) {
var appointment = {};
if (confirm("Are you sure want to complete this Appointment?") == true) {
appointment.Name = "Appointment";
appointment.Description = "This account was created by the JavaScriptRESTDataOperations sample.";
appointment.Subject = "Appointment "+accountName;
var today = new Date();
var startDate = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate() + 3);
appointment.ScheduledStart = startDate;
appointment.ScheduledEnd = startDate;
if (accountId != null) {
//Set a lookup value
//writeMessage("Setting the primary contact to: " + primaryContact.FullName + ".");
appointment.new_RegardingCustomer = {
Id: accountId,
LogicalName: "account",
Name: accountName
var organizerParty = new Object();
organizerParty.partyid = { Id: accountId , LogicalName: "account", Name: accountName };
appointment.RequiredAttendees = [ organizerParty ];
//appointment.requiredattendees = [ organizerParty ];
//Create the Account
function (appointment) {
alert("The appointment record changes were saved");
// writeMessage("The account named \"" + account.Name + "\" was created with the AccountId : \"" + account.AccountId + "\".");
// writeMessage("Retrieving account with the AccountId: \"" + account.AccountId + "\".");
// retrieveAccount(account.AccountId)
} else {
return false;
<!-- this.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); -->
please check and letus know if have any query in code so I can move forward.
Thank you.