Hi Team,
We have an C# windows application which extracts the data from DynamicsCRM. We are able to extract data from most of the tables except a specific tables (The count is arround 50), while extracting data from that table it throws the above mentioned error with the corresponding table name. Below are the code snipper.
var query = new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.QueryExpression
EntityName = argValue
query.ColumnSet = new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query.ColumnSet(true);
retMultipleRes = orgService.RetrieveMultiple(query).Entities;
Below are the list of tables having these kind of problems. Also we are unable to find any uniqueness among the tables.
authorizationserver |
businessdatalocalizedlabel |
childincidentcount |
complexcontrol |
Delveactionhub |
dependencyfeature |
imagedescriptor |
integrationstatus |
localconfigstore |
lookupmapping |
mailboxtrackingfolder |
metadatadifference |
multientitysearch |
multientitysearchentities |
officedocument |
officegraphdocument |
partnerapplication |
postregarding |
postrole |
principalattributeaccessmap |
principalentitymap |
principalobjectaccessreadsnapshot |
principalsyncattributemap |
queueitemcount |
queuemembercount |
recommendeddocument |
replicationbacklog |
rollupjob |
sharepointdata |
sqlencryptionaudit |
subscription |
subscriptionclients |
subscriptionmanuallytrackedobject |
subscriptionstatisticsoffline |
subscriptionstatisticsoutlook |
subscriptionsyncentryoffline |
subscriptionsyncentryoutlook |
subscriptionsyncinfo |
syncattributemapping |
syncattributemappingprofile |
systemapplicationmetadata |
systemusermanagermap |
systemusersyncmappingprofiles |
teamsyncattributemappingprofiles |
timestampdatemapping |
traceassociation |
traceregarding |
userapplicationmetadata |
webresource |
wizardpage |
workflowwaitsubscription |
Any help highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Thanks and Regards