I really need help with Dynamics Connector. I am very new to this tool and it is very hard to find some information on internet.
My scenario is
1) When an Account in CRM is created, it needs to be synced to AX. I created a map between CRM and AX and it is working fine
2)After creating Customer record in AX by the Connector, Account Num has to be updated back to CRM Account Number field(accountnumber which is OOTB). This is not working and I am struggling to find a solution for this.
I tried mapping Dynamics Integration key and AX DAX Integration ID. But, it doesn't work.
I need to know how the Connector know to update the correct CRM record. Since I have no knowledge on this, I am finding it very hard to find a solution for this.
I am currently mapping CRM Integration key to =CreateEntityReferenceKey(Account Num, DAX Integration Id). This created a new account record in CRM with Integration key a combination of Account Num and DAX Integration Id.
Any help is very much appreciated.
Sujatha B