Using version 7.0.0023 hosted in Azure with 2016 Update 1 online.
I've setup external authentication with Google, Facebook and Twitter, but I'm having issues with the Microsoft one. I've followed this page, as well as this one, just to confirm I was using the correct Application ID and password/secret. I've added the ID and secret to the following site settings:
Authentication/OpenAuth/Microsoft/ClientId (set the value to the Application ID Guid)
Authentication/OpenAuth/Microsoft/ClientSecret (set the value to the key provided when clicking Generate New Password)
I've set the redirect URL to http://<myportal>/signin-microsoft.
The connect button appears in the Manage External Authentication area in the Profile, but clicking on it doesn't take me to the Microsoft sign in page, it just displays an alert at the top of page saying 'Failed to add the external account.'
Have I set the site settings to the correct values, or am I missing something else? The other three providers I've setup are working fine, although for Twitter I did have to add some code to Startup.Auth.cs as per the advice given here.