I've used on premise adx portals previously and looking into the online version - I really don't see how you could ever sell this product to a customer given all of the apparent limitations of it. Unless it's the most basic portal ever then it just doesn't work.
Does anybody know can I implement what I have outlined below in the online portal world? Basically I need a series of entity list pages, that each rely on the user choosing a record from a [previous entity list - but I don't see any way to get this to work (and it's just basic listing pages for crying out loud).
Step 1 - User navigates to "Offer Page": this is an entity list of records in a custom entity called "offer". It has a lookup to Contact, so I can configure the entity list to filter on the logged in user no problem here.
Step 2 - User clicks on one of the records in the list on the Offer page (there is a web page configured under "Web Page for details view" which points to the Offer Details page described below).
This should bring the user into a page "Offer Details" which contains another entitylist showing records from another custom entity "offeritem".
It should show ONLY records related to the Offer record that the user clicked on.
I don't see any way to filter the entity list on the Offer Details page to show only records from that specific offer (offeritem entity has a lookup to the offer entity).
Can this be done? If something this trivial cannot be achieved - I don't see how the hosted portal would ever be sold to any customer.
Any ideas?