Today I needed to open a support ticket with MS. (I am a global admin for O365) I went to the normal support tab and expected to be able to create a new ticket and provide all the details of the error. Is that what happened? NO! I got this little side window open asking for a short description and my phone number. once that was entered a MS rep called me. Then I had to tell him that the issue was related to CRM. I then waited another 15 minutes for him to bring someone else on the phone. That second person then started walking through a long list of questions before even coming to the actual description of the issue. Not only was this a 45-60 minute process but I had to repeat myself several times. Now I still have to wait for yet another MS Tech to call me back. I cannot see my ticket in O365 like I used to.
Am I the only one who has experienced this? Why the change? Why has this process been made extremely difficult? And, I am pretty sure that the process will be even longer now because the next tech that calls me is going to have to get the full details and then research the issue.