I have a single user who is having a problem accessing Contact records.
Several months ago the user starting getting an error when trying to open any contact in the system. An error box would popup saying "Invalid Argument". When downloading the error log it read, in the inner error message, "System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: descriptor". When the user hits "Ok" on on the Invalid Argument popup they get a browser message saying that "An error has occurred. Please return to the home page and try again".
At the time I tried several things. Apologies for some vagueness as my memory of the situation has eroded:
- Gave myself the same security setup as the user and opened the same records as the user was attempting to open. Could not reproduce the error.
- Took control of the users browser and checked a few browser settings(i.e. compatability mode) and cleared his browser cache (IE). Still got the error and was unable to find any anomalies.
- Ran a trace on the server and was unable to pinpoint any particular problems.
At the time I was unable to come up with a fix, but found that the user was able to use Chrome without problems. At the time we had the user switch to chrome.
Fast forward to several months later and the user is now experiencing the same error in the same situation but now on Chrome.
Has anyone had similar problems and was able to solve them or have further troubleshooting ideas?