There are many posts and articles which suggest to use FetchXml with Java Script to refresh SubGrid with custom FetchXml. Below is code.
function dynamicallyFilterSubGrid() {
var objSubGrid = window.parent.document.getElementById("PPP"); if (objSubGrid == null || objSubGrid.readyState != "complete") { setTimeout(dynamicallyFilterSubGrid, 2000); return; } else { var category = Xrm.Page.getAttribute('Products').getValue(); var FetchXml = '<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">' + '<entity name="product">' + '<attribute name="name" />' + '<attribute name="productnumber" />' + '<attribute name="description" />' + '<attribute name="statecode" />' + '<attribute name="productstructure" />' + '<order attribute="productnumber" descending="false" />' + '</entity>' + '</fetch>' + objSubGrid.control.SetParameter("fetchXml", FetchXml); //Refresh grid to show filtered records only. objSubGrid.control.Refresh(); } }
I m getting two issues, probably they are because of client side API is changed but neither I get an example which is working correctly or MSDN documentation say something about it.
There are two errors in code:
1. objSubGrid.readyState != "complete"
readyState remain undefiend and this condition never becomes true and because of
setTimeout(dynamicallyFilterSubGrid, 2000);
it keep looping and never execute next part. I tried to exclude this code to force next execution there was below issue.
2. objSubGrid.control.SetParameter("fetchXml", FetchXml);
TypeError: Cannon read property 'SetParameter' of undefined
Kindly guide what are these API changes and if there is a valid example of this. Thanks for your help.