I have a column graph that cuts off the labels columns on the X-axis and I want the chart to wrap the text. I saw where CRM Chart Guy had a post saying to use the LabelAutoFitStyle="WordWrap" but when I load the xml I receive the "Invalid Presentation description" error stating that the LabelAutoFitStyle is unknown.
Here is the presentation data for the AxisY section from the FetchXML:
<AxisY LabelAutoFitMinFontSize="8" TitleForeColor="59, 59, 59" Title="Client"TitleFont="{0}, 15.5px" LineColor="165, 172, 181" IntervalAutoMode="VariableCount">
<MajorGrid LineColor="239, 242, 246" />
<MajorTickMark LineColor="165, 172, 181" />
<LabelStyle Font="{0}, 10.5px" ForeColor="59, 59, 59" LabelAutoFitStyle="WordWrap"/>
Any suggestions would be appreciated.