Hi everyone,
I created an custom entity and added a lookup to this entity in a business process flow. A set 16x16 and 32x32 entity icons. On website, the icon is shown correctly, but in service hub, when I try to find in the lookup, the icon is in error.
Here is what I see:
However, on the regular site, i get this:
Also the image src doesn't appear to be the same.
In normal site:
<img src="/_Common/icon.aspx?cache=1&iconType=gridIcon&objectTypeCode=10046" class="ms-crm-IL-MenuItem-Icon ms-crm-IL-MenuItem-Icon-Rest">
In service hub:
<img class="entityIcon" src="/_imgs/ico_16_10046.gif" alt="nms_composantjira" data-reactid=".7.0.$inlinelookup-bar.$LookupList.0.$1661.0">
Does someone know why the icon in the service hub isn't correct?